Horde3D is a small open source 3D rendering engine.
This is a fork of https://github.com/attilaz/horde3d-x/tree/gles2_d3d11 which is based on horde3d beta5. This can be compiled to js/wasm with emscripten.
Horde3D/Samples/ directory contains makefiles and .bat file.
Edit h3d_compile.bat if needed.
h3d_compile.bat takes makefile as a parameter ie
h3d_compile.bat Makefile_emscripten_DEBUG
Small wasm test at Horde3D/Samples/index.html
removed original samples and makefiles
removed gl and d3d11 (this is only gles2+emscripten)
removed c# bindings
added new sample using sdl2 (Horde3D/Samples/Test_1.cpp Horde3D/Samples/Framework.h)
- no shadows
- dds images doesnt load (so no sky and reflection because those uses cubemap dds)
Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Nicolas Schulz and the Horde3D Team http://www.horde3d.org
The complete SDK is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).