A custom repository for Northwestern University's Ridgeback. The Ridgeback is equipped with a Velodyne lidar, Bumblebee depth camera, 2 Hokoyu UST10LX lidars and a Sawyer manipulator.
On start up the Ridgeback will be running base.launch
and laser_slam.launch
from the nuridgeback_robot
package. This will easily allow you to move the base by pressing the reset button on the back and pairing the PS4 gamepad.
Ridgeback computer:
username: administrator
password: nu-ridgeback
Ridgeback hotspot:
name: Hostspot
password: ridgeback
To configure the Ridgeback from the ground up see nuridgeback_bringup. To get started launching nodes see nuridgeback_robot.
- nuridgeback_bringup: networking, configuration, and ROS Noetic
- nuridgeback_description: urdf and meshes
- nuridgeback_gazebo: gazebo simulation
- nuridgeback_robot: launch sensors, mobile base, navigation, exploration, localization, and mapping
For manipulation see the sawback package.
To see the custom pick and place code using MoveIt! and Grasp Pose Detection see sawback_manipulation. To see the full mobile manipulation sequence see this video.
Checkout the ergodic_exploration package. This package is capable of allowing the user to specify the information density target distribution represented as Gaussians or using mutual information.
Full videos of both exploration using preset target distribution video and the mutual information video are shown in real time.