Behold, my dotfiles! They're meticulously crafted to make Debian Testing truly cromulent! 🎉
I hope these dotfiles serve as a source of inspiration for your own unique setup 🦄.
- a fancy ncmpcpp kitty session
- custom bash prompt
- custom fastfetch images to pick from
- subtle to heavy tweaks to polybar, rofi, kitty, and others
- gruvbox color scheme all over the friggin' place
- scripts to install applications, setup dotfile configs, and apply theming
I am currently using Cinnamon with X11 (thanks Nvidia) and have not used Sway or Wayland for some time now. I am ultimately trying to make Debian Testing more capable in a media-server and/or media-enthusiast-desktop context. How?
- ffmpeg compiled with headers for Nvidia codecs and CUDA
- avisynth / vapoursynth
- reaper daw
There may be unexpected behaviors when you set it up on your hardware. You're not going to let that stop you though, right? With a little bit of tweaking, you can customize everything here to fit your own wants and needs. Now, brace yourself for these mediocre dotfiles! 🙌🎉✨
Here's what I'm currently working on:
- Add more stuff that I use (tgpt, shell-color-scripts, plymouth, ly...) 📦
- Add ricing stuff (Colloid-Red-Dark-Gruvbox, ArcDusk-Cursors, Papirus-Dark) 🌈
- Add even more stuff that I use (stylepak, gruvbox-papirus-folders nwg-look...) 🎨
- Add repo 💽
- Add DRD Team Debian repo 💽
- Add prompts at certain points in the script 🧐
- Add configs for Flatpak applications 🧩