The package can be installed
by adding zuck
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:zuck, git: ""}}]
config :zuck,
app_id: "",
app_secret: "",
log: true,
debug: true,
version: "v2.9",
endpoint: "",
http: [] # these will be passed to hackney
- Batch requests
- Real time updates
- Facebook messenger
{:ok, user} = Zuck.get("/me", %{
access_token: "TOKEN",
fields: "name,email"
You can use the stream helpers to handle multipage data, very useful when getting ad insights or large lists of data, the stream will handle the cursor and make the necesary requests for you:
Zuck.get_stream("/act_ACCOUNT_ID/insights", %{
access_token: "TOKEN",
level: "ad",
date_preset: "yesterday",
fields: "ad_name"
|> ad -> ad.ad_name end)
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