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Closed May 5, 2023 100% complete

Focused on creating and refining user case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams as part of the software development process. These diagrams are essential tools for understanding and documenting the system requirements and design.

User case diagrams are used to depict the interactions between actors (users) and the system. They help to identify …

Focused on creating and refining user case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams as part of the software development process. These diagrams are essential tools for understanding and documenting the system requirements and design.

User case diagrams are used to depict the interactions between actors (users) and the system. They help to identify the different user roles, the actions they perform, and the outcomes they expect. These diagrams are essential for ensuring that the system meets the needs of its users.

Class diagrams are used to describe the classes, interfaces, and relationships between them in the system. They help to identify the attributes and methods of each class and the relationships between classes. Class diagrams are essential for ensuring that the system is well-designed and organized.

Sequence diagrams are used to depict the sequence of interactions between objects in the system. They help to identify the messages exchanged between objects, the order in which they occur, and the results of those interactions. Sequence diagrams are essential for ensuring that the system behaves as intended and that all interactions are well-understood.

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