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Çağrı Gülbeycan Individual Contribution Report

Çağrı Gülbeycan edited this page Apr 10, 2023 · 3 revisions

Member: Çağrı Gülbeycan, Group 1 - Disaster Response Platform.


  • Creating an introduction page for myself.
  • Researching a GitHub Repository or an API.
  • Creating the sidebar and designing the sidebar.
  • Determining requirements of coordinator and responder.
  • Creating mock-up for the responder role.
  • Creating use case diagram of the Victim role.
  • Taking notes for meeting 7.
  • Detecting inconsistencies between Mock-up, Requirements and Use Case Diagrams for the Admin Role.
  • Creating sequence the diagram of creating a new information for a victim.
  • Creating sequence the diagram of viewing notifications.
  • Creating sequence the diagram of viewing and updating a request for a victim.

Main contributions:

  • I opened an introduction page on the wiki to introduce myself.
    Issues: #29
    Links: Çağrı Gülbeycan

  • I researched Matplotlib.
    Issues: #89
    Links: Matplotlib

  • I created the initial version of our sidebar and design the current version.
    Issues: #7
    Links: One can see sidebar on the right side of Home Page

  • I added "Prepared for", "Version", "Date", "Prepared by", "Group 1", and "Revision History Table" to our Requirements table.
    Issues: None
    Links: Requirements

  • I was the note taker for the meeting 7. I added it to the sidebar and to the home page.
    Issues: #86
    Links: Meeting 7

  • I did a mock-up for the responder role collaboratively with Ali. I was mainly responsible for writing the scenario, checking the consistency with requirements and the scenario, and writing the addressed reqirements since I also wrote the requirements for the responder role.
    Issues: #70
    Links: Responder Mock-up

  • I detected inconsistencies between mock-ups, requirements, and use case diagrams for the admin role. I made some corrections on mock-ups, requirements, and use case diagrams for the admin role. Issues: #119

  • I made use case diagrams for the victim role collaboratively with Ali.
    Issues: #90
    Links: Use Case Diagrams
    I made mainly the the following contributions:

  • Log-in / Log-out
  • See Important Locations
  • Display Contact Information For Aid Organizations.
  • Filter Aid Organizations By Proximity To Their Location.
  • See Facilitators on the Map
  • In the Sequence Diagram section of our project, Ali and I worked collaboratively. We were responsible for creating Sequence Diagrams of Victim role and some other sequence diagrams. We divided the work that needed to be done and worked separately. Then, we revisioned our work together and completed the diagrams.
    Issues: #140 #142 #143
    Links: Sequence Diagrams
    Management related significant issues:
    Additional information:

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