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Customer Milestone 1 Report

Kübra Aksu edited this page Dec 1, 2023 · 30 revisions


CMPE451 Group 1 - Milestone 1 Review

Project Overview and Project Status

Our team is developing the "ResQ" disaster response platform with the primary aim of enhancing disaster response efforts. Our mission is to provide effective software tools and technology solutions for individuals who wish to help and those in need. Our objective is to create a software project that can assist affected communities during times of crisis.

Our immediate goal is to empower responders with the necessary tools and information to respond efficiently during disasters.

The software platform we are building places a strong emphasis on reliability and user-friendliness, designed to support responders in their critical tasks.

In this first milestone, our initial steps included organizing sub-teams and selecting the appropriate technology stack to optimize our development process. Sub-teams worked cohesively, holding regular meetings. As is customary in software development, we reviewed and refined our requirements, mockups, and UML diagrams. Later, our focus shifted to the initial setup of codebases, with particular attention given to the registration and login systems, as well as the authentication mechanism. We implemented different user roles as outlined in the project plan, currently implemented unregistered users (defaulted as victims), victims and partially implemented responder.

Significant progress has been made in enhancing the user-friendliness of our platform, particularly in terms of user speed and urgency when interacting with the application. Extensive discussions revolved around the registration system and the experience of unregistered users.

Our active collaboration with key stakeholders allowed us to gather valuable insights and feedback, which guided our development process. In response to customer requests and the nature of our application, we streamlined the authentication process, reducing the need for extensive information and complex mechanisms, resulting in a more user-friendly implementation.

Following our most recent customer meeting on October 31, 2023, we are fully committed to further refining and improving our application based on the feedback and notes we collected. We are eagerly anticipating our upcoming meeting to continue fine-tuning the platform.

This milestone represents a significant step towards the technical realization and improvement of our project. It involved making informed choices regarding tech stacks, establishing initial code setups, reviewing and updating requirements, enhancing registration and login systems, refining the authentication process, implementing victim and responder roles, and actively engaging with stakeholders. All of our decisions and updates are guided by the evolving project requirements.

A Summary of Planned Changes


  • Landing Page Transformation:
    • The current landing page will undergo significant modifications.
    • It will be redesigned into a map page that supports guest view. This allows even non-logged-in users to gain a visual perspective.
  • Sign-in & Sign-up Page Adjustments:
    • Wording and terminologies on both the sign-in and sign-up pages will be updated for clarity and improved user experience.
  • User Profile Page Refinements:
    • The existing "User Profile" page will be renamed to "Account."
    • The overall design, including details and action buttons, will be revamped to offer a more intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Role Request Feature:
    • Users will now be able to request specific roles directly from the "Account" page. This change centralizes the role management process and provides a more streamlined experience.
  • Request & Resource Creation Page Enhancements:
    • The fields present on both the Request and Resource creation pages will be finalized. We aim to make them more descriptive and easier for users to fill out, thereby ensuring accuracy in data input.


  • Map Page

    As per customer feedback and the requirements, the map page will have the following features added:

    • A list on the left that shows each item shown in the map. This list will be sortable by different parameters.
    • Filtering for a variety of parameters will be added to the map as described in the requirements.
    • A way to quickly add different objects (requests, resources, tasks) will be added.
    • An annotations-based warning system will be added, as described in the requirements.
  • Role Request

    The role request page will be able to ask for different pieces of information based on what the user is applying for.

  • Improved Role Selection

    Customer feedback showed us some confusion regarding what role selection is and what it does. We will aim to rectify that:

    • Descriptions for every role along with what they can accesss will be added to the role selection page.
    • Setting a new role will redirect to that role's main page instead of the generic map.
    • The role selection screen will only show roles that the user has access to. We will also present a version where other roles are greyed-out and there is a links to the application process. With these two versions, we will seek customer feedback.
  • Sign In

    More informative error messages will be added to the login page.

A Summary of Customer Feedback and Reflections

Our active collaboration with key stakeholders proved invaluable, providing us with essential insights and feedback that significantly influenced our development process. Responding to customer requests and considering the nature of our application, we made several noteworthy adjustments:

Authentication Streamlining:

In response to customer feedback and to enhance user-friendliness, we streamlined the authentication process. We reduced the need for extensive information and complex mechanisms, making the application more user-friendly.

Multirole Feature:

Customers expressed an interest in the multirole feature, where users can have multiple roles. However, we have decided to limit users to a single role at a time to maintain clarity and simplicity in our application.

Verification Processes:

Customer inquiries about the verification process prompted us to make distinctions between roles. For victims, no verification is required, reducing user concerns. In contrast, we decided that responders will be asked to upload their ID for added security precautions. Other verification processes are still under consideration, and we plan to discuss them in detail during an upcoming customer meeting.

Privacy Policy and Terms:

Customers inquired about our privacy policy and terms. While we have advised users to review these documents before registration, we acknowledge that the terms themselves have not yet been finalized within the group. We prioritize aligning these terms with our customers' expectations.

Direct Login via Phone Token:

Customers expressed interest in an app feature that stores the phone's token for direct login. While this feature is not currently planned, our assumption is that users will register before a disaster occurs. This will enable an easy sign-in process during a crisis, utilizing pre-saved registration information. One customer appreciated the simplicity and ease of this approach.

Overall, our customer feedback has been instrumental in shaping our application and its features. We are committed to incorporating customer preferences and expectations into our ongoing development process to create a more user-centric and effective disaster response platform.


List of Deliverables

Status of Deliverables

Deliverable Status Due Date
Software Requirements Specification Delivered on time Friday, Nov 03 2023, 17:00 PM
Software Design (UML diagrams) Delivered on time Friday, Nov 03 2023, 17:00 PM
Scenarios and Mockups Delivered on time Friday, Nov 03 2023, 17:00 PM
Project Plan, Communication Plan, Responsibility Assignment Matrix Delivered on time Friday, Nov 03 2023, 17:00 PM
Weekly reports and any additional meeting notes Delivered on time Friday, Nov 03 2023, 17:00 PM
Milestone Review Delivered on time Friday, Nov 03 2023, 17:00 PM
Individual Contributions Delivered on time Friday, Nov 03 2023, 17:00 PM
A pre-release version of software Delivered on time Friday, Nov 03 2023, 17:00 PM

Evaluation of Deliverables & Their Impact on Project Plan

Software Requirements Specification: [Status: Completed and In Progress]
We have revised our requirements twice during this milestone in alignment with our project plan's scope. As we proceed through the project plan's life cycle, further adjustments will become necessary to ensure we continue to meet our evolving project goals. So, the status of Software Requirements Specification is completed for this milestone but in progress until the customer is happy.
Software Design (UML diagrams) and Mockups with Scenarios: [Status: Completed]
Our UML diagrams and mockups have been thoroughly revised and updated. We adopted a meticulous approach in this process, recognizing that these elements serve as the foundation for our project's development. Mockups, in particular, play a crucial role in guiding web and mobile development and facilitating communication across all project groups. Additionally, scenarios helped us to undertand what can customer request and also they were affective to showcase our project to the customers at our latest meeting.
Project Plan, Communication Plan, Responsibility Assignment Matrix: [Status: Completed and In Progress]
Communication Plan and RAM are updated and completed. The project plan is currently finalized, but it will undergo frequent updates to align with the evolving project processes.
Weekly reports and any additional meeting notes: [Status: Completed]
We have prioritized the production of our reports, ensuring that each one is completed, accurate, and presented in a polished and professional format.
Milestone Review (this document): [Status: Completed]
We made a deliberate effort to present and document our work during the milestone review, aiming to establish a professional standard for our software project. This approach enhances our ability to communicate effectively with our customers, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of our progress and accomplishments.
Individual Contributions: [Status: Completed]
We adopted a similar process for individual contribution reports. These reports effectively showcase each team member's specific contributions and the value they have added to the project, providing a clear and transparent account of each member's role and impact.
Pre-release version of the software: [Status: Completed]
Our pre-release version of the software is now fully prepared and completed. We showcased it during our presentation and received positive feedback, indicating that it has been well-received and effectively developed.

Tools and Processes

Evaluation of Tools and Processes

In our project management, we leveraged various tools and processes to ensure effective coordination and progress tracking. Specifically, we utilized GitHub as our central platform for project management. Additionally, we maintained an up-to-date project plan and placed a strong emphasis on punctuality.

GitHub Usage:

GitHub played a pivotal role in our project management, facilitating task tracking and issue resolution. It was a reliable hub for documenting and resolving issues. Moreover, it served as a valuable communication channel, enabling seamless collaboration with other sub-teams. However, it's worth noting that there were some challenges related to parallel work with other teams, and certain discussions remained unresolved. We anticipate addressing these issues in the next milestone. To further streamline our task management, we plan to make full use of GitHub's project features. This will provide a faster and more comprehensive overview of task statuses, allowing us to track progress effectively, similar to our one-week sprints in labs.

Project Planning and Reporting:

Our commitment to project planning and regular reporting was integral to maintaining our project's momentum. During our weekly labs, we diligently reviewed the previous week's unfinished tasks, identifying reasons and addressing any issues that arose. Additionally, we remained proactive in resolving any problems faced by team members, whether by providing assistance or reassigning tasks to ensure adherence to our project plan. Our ability to estimate task durations and set achievable one-week sprints was a result of our ongoing experience and previous work. We consistently assessed our progress in these reports, which greatly informed our future planning.


Some team members took the initiative to document their work as well as the overall team's situation. These documents proved to be invaluable, as they helped identify pending tasks and inconsistencies within our project. The documentation from this milestone will continue to be beneficial in the upcoming phases of the project.

In conclusion,

our project management during this milestone was effective in keeping us on track. We recognize that there were challenges, particularly in communication with other teams, but we are actively working to address these issues in the next milestone. Our commitment to project planning, reporting, and documentation has been instrumental in our progress, and we anticipate that these practices will continue to serve us well in the future.

Requirements Adressed In This Milestone

Report of Revisions


  • 1.1.1. User Registration was fully implemented.
  • The platform shall have a map interface was implemented generally. The work of adapting the page for different users will be adressed in ML2.


  • 1.1.1. User Registration was fully implemented.
  • A user logging in for the first time was assumed to be Victim and continued like that.


  • 1.1.1. User Registration was fully implemented.
  • A user logging in for the first time was assumed to be Victim and continued like that.
  • Victim can report need with providing description about his/her situation.
  • Responder can create resources.
  • Responders shall be able to accept or decline task assignments from coordinators.
  • Coordinators shall be able to create tasks consisting of a list of actions.
  • Coordinators shall be able to specify details for actions, including name, type of action, location, recommended path from the previous action, and a comment in the form of free-form text.

Individual Contributions

Kübra Aksu - Indiviual Contribution Report

Çağrı Gülbeycan - Individual Contribution Report

Muhammet Ali Topcu - Individual Contribution Report

Harun Reşid Ergen - Individual Contribution Report

Alperen Dağı - Individual Contribution Report

Volkan Öztürk - Individual Contribution Report

Furkan Bülbül - Individual Contribution Report

Ilgaz Er - Individual Contribution Report

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