Hi there! π I'm Bhuwan Pandit, a software developer who is deeply passionate about coding, especially in Rust. I graduated with a degree in Computing and currently working towards my goals and future. My journey in the tech world has led me to explore various programming languages, databases, and server technologies. My goal is to master Rust while continuously improving my skills in full-stack development and system administration.
- Mastering Rust: Diving deep into systems programming and building robust, high-performance applications with Rust.
- Open Source Contributions: Contributing to open-source projects and collaborating with the community.
- Personal Projects: Console apps, websocket implementation from scratch, emovoiceconnect and so on.
- Advanced Rust Programming: Exploring async/await, macros, and unsafe Rust.
- System Design & Architecture: Building scalable and reliable systems.
- Cloud Technologies: Expanding my knowledge of cloud services like AWS.
- Uncovering Abstraction: Reinventing the wheel by implementing lower level stuff and slowly moving towards the higher level stuff.