This packages just represents helper functions for graphics or diagnostics that I use frequently in data analyses.
Feel free to adjust or modify, if you want to use it.
function | aim |
create_bayes_acf() |
creates autocorrelation diagnostics for brms -output automatically across all variables and saves single png-files |
create_bayes_combo() |
creates density and and trace diagnostics for brms -output automatically across all variables and saves single png-files |
create_bayesreg_table() |
creates a standard regression table from bayesPostEst::mcmcReg() to LaTeX |
create_corr() |
creates a standardized correlation plot from correlation matrix |
create_corr_bayes() |
creates a standardized correlation plot from correlation matrix; transforms output directly from brms output |
create_raincloud() |
creates a standardized raincloud for a single metric variable |
create_raincloud_group() |
creates a standardized raincloud for a single metric variable on a categorical variable |
create_raincloud_facet() |
creates a standardized raincloud sorted by third variable |
hyptest_to_latex() |
transforms output of brms::hypothesis() to LaTeX |
load_beyonce() |
loads my preferred styling of plots |
load_beyonce_bayes() |
same as above with setup for bayesian plots |
load_colorblind() |
loads a colorblind-friendly palette |
load_grey() |
loads my preferred grey layout for plots |
load_grey_nogrid() |
same as above without grid |
plot_loo() |
plots LOO-diagnostics from loo::loo() -output |
plot_posterior() |
plots PP-checks |
posterior_to_latex() |
transfers output of bayestestR::describe_posterior() to LaTeX |
create_report() |
template for html-report |
create_slides() |
template for html-slides |
create_slides_pdf() |
creating pdf files from html-slides (you will need to adjust the file-argument in this function; you will need to install decktape and puppeteer (see (once you created slides with the above function) |