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bmaclient is official BPPTKG Monitoring APIs (BMA) Python client. It can be used to fetch various monitoring data from BMA web services using Python.


Install from PyPI by typing this command:

pip install -U bmaclient

Making Requests

You must set valid API key or OAuth2 access token to make authenticated request. For example, using API key:

from bmaclient import MonitoringAPI

api = MonitoringAPI(api_key='API_KEY')
data = api.fetch_bulletin()

Or using access token:

from bmaclient import MonitoringAPI

api = MonitoringAPI(access_token='ACCESS_TOKEN')
data = api.fetch_bulletin()

Using API key is only suitable for read only request. If you want to modify server resources, it's recommended to use OAuth2 access token.

You can apply field lookup filtering by passing keyword arguments:

data = api.fetch_bulletin(
    eventdate__gte='2019-07-01 12:24:00',
    eventdate__lt='2019-07-11 13:14:00',

For the APIs that require parameters to be set in the URL path, you can pass those parameters in the method arguments:

data = api.fetch_tiltmeter(station='selokopo', timestamp__gte='2019-07-01')

Changing the API Host

Starting from version 0.9.0, default API host for the library is and using https protocol. If you want to change the host, for example using other hostname or so, you can write the code as follows:

from bmaclient import MonitoringAPI

api = MonitoringAPI(api_key='API_KEY') = 'SERVER_ADDRESS'

Optionally, change HTTP protocol if the server uses different protocol. Choose either http or https protocol:

api = MonitoringAPI(api_key='API_KEY')
api.protocol = 'https'

Note that you should include server port if the server doesn't use standard port. For example: = 'SERVER_ADDRESS:PORT'

Parameter Encoder

As version 0.10.0, bmaclient adds bmaclient.encoder.ParameterEncoder class to enable using native Python object in the query parameters. Default encoder supports:

  • list, tuple

    It will be encoded to bytes string of comma separated values. For example:

    [1, 2, 3] -> b'1,2,3'
    ['a', 'b', 'c'] -> b'a,b,c'
  • str

    str value will be encoded to bytes string. For example:

    'param' -> b'param'
  • bytes

    Bytes value will not be touched and returned as it is.

  • int, float

    int or float value will be encoded to bytes string. For example:

    12 -> b'12' 14.56 -> b'14.56'
  • bool

    Boolean type will be encoded to bytes string with lower case value. For example:

    True -> b'true'
    False -> b'false'
  • None

    None value will be encoded to empty bytes string. For example:

    None -> b''

    Date object will be encoded to bytes string of date. Default format is %Y-%m-%d. For example:, 1, 1) -> b'2020-01-01'
  • datetime.datetime

    Datetime object will be encoded to bytes string of datetime. Default format is %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%M. For example:

    datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 9, 46, 12) -> b'2020-01-01 09:46:12'
  • other

    Other values will be converted to string with str function and encoded with ASCII encoding unless default function provided.

Default encoding is ASCII. If you want to use UTF-8 encoding, subclass ParameterEncoder and set ensure_ascii to False.

Below is an example of subclassing ParameterEncoder class to encode object with custom type:

import datetime

from bmaclient import MonitoringAPI
from bmaclient.encoder import ParameterEncoder

class GPSStation(object):
    """Custom type."""

    def __init__(self, code, name):
        self.code = code = name

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.code)

class CustomParameterEncoder(ParameterEncoder):
    """Custom parameter encoder."""

    def default(self, o):
        Override default() method to set custom encoder.
        if isinstance(o, GPSStation):
            return str(o).encode('ascii')
        return ParameterEncoder.default(self, o)

api = MonitoringAPI(api_key='API_KEY', encoder_class=CustomParameterEncoder)

pasarbubar = GPSStation('pasarbubar', 'Pasarbubar')
grawah = GPSStation('grawah', 'Grawah')
now =
one_month_ago = now - datetime.timedelta(days=30)

data = api.fetch_gps_baseline(

Extending API Class

If you want to extend API class, for example fetching new endpoint that the method in the library is not available yet, you can see the following example:

from bmaclient import MonitoringAPI
from bmaclient.bind import bind_method

class MyMonitoringAPI(MonitoringAPI):

  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    super(MyMonitoringAPI, self).__init__(**kwargs)

  fetch_gps_baseline = bind_method(
      required_parameters=['station1', 'station2'],
      doc='Fetch GPS baseline data.')

  fetch_rsam_seismic = bind_method(
      doc='Fetch RSAM seismic data.')

  fetch_cluster_dict = bind_method(
      doc='Fetch cluster dictionary.')

Request Methods

The following URL paths are relative to the base API URL

API Name URL Path Python Method Name
Cluster Dictionary /cluster/dict/ fetch_cluster_dict
Cluster Seismicity Group /cluster/seisgroup/ fetch_cluster_seisgroup
DOAS (deprecated since v0.10.0) /doas/ fetch_doas
DOAS v2 /doas2/{station}/ fetch_doas2
EDM /edm/ fetch_edm
EDM CSD and Rate /edm/csdr/ fetch_csdr
Equivalent Energy (since v0.12.0) /equivalent-energy/ fetch_equivalent_energy
Gas Emission /gas/emission/ fetch_gas_emission
Gas Temperature /gas/temperature/ fetch_gas_temperature
GPS Position /gps/position/ fetch_gps_position
GPS Baseline /gps/baseline/ fetch_gps_baseline
Lava Domes (since v0.13.0) /lava-domes/ fetch_lava_domes
Magnetic Imogiri (since v0.15.0) /magnetic/imogiri/ fetch_magnetic_imogiri
Meteorology /meteorology/ fetch_meteorology
Pasarbubar Rainfall /meteorology/rainfall/ fetch_rainfall
Pasarbubar Wind Rose /meteorology/windrose/ fetch_windrose
Rockfall-AwanPanas Distance (since v0.13.0) /rfap-distance/ fetch_rfap_distance
Rockfall-AwanPanas Distance Direction (since v0.14.0) /rfap-distdir/ fetch_rfap_distdir
Rockfall-AwanPanas Rose (since v0.14.0) /rfap-rose/ fetch_rfap_rose
Rockfall-AwanPanas Type (since v0.14.0) /rfap-type/ fetch_rfap_type
RSAM Seismic /rsam/seismic/{station}/ fetch_rsam_seismic
RSAM Seismic Band /rsam/seismic/{station}/{band}/ fetch_rsam_seismic_band
RSAM Infrasound /rsam/infrasound/{station}/ fetch_rsam_infrasound
RSAM Infrasound Band /rsam/infrasound/{station}/{band}/ fetch_rsam_infrasound_band
Thermal (deprecated since v0.10.0) /thermal/ fetch_thermal
Thermal v2 /thermal2/ fetch_thermal2
Tiltmeter Platform /tiltmeter/{station}/ fetch_tiltmeter
Tiltmeter Platform Raw /tiltmeter/raw/{station}/ fetch_tiltmeter_raw
Tiltmeter Borehole /tiltborehole/{station}/ fetch_tiltborehole
Tiltmeter TLR /tiltmeter/tlr/{station}/ fetch_tiltmeter_tlr
Topography Data /topo/ fetch_topo
Topography Profile /topo/profile/ fetch_topo_profile
Seismicity /seismicity fetch_seismicity
Seismicity Archive /seismicity/archive/ fetch_seismicity_archive
Seismicity Cluster /seismicity/cluster/ fetch_seismicity_cluster
Seismic Bulletin /bulletin/ fetch_bulletin
Seismic Energy /energy/ fetch_energy
Seismic Magnitude /magnitude/ fetch_magnitude
EDM Slope Correction /slope/ fetch_slope
EDM Slope Correction Detail /slope/{pk}/ slope
Create EDM Slope Correction /slope/ create_slope
Replace EDM Slope Correction /slope/{pk}/ replace_slope
Update EDM Slope Correction /slope/{pk}/ update_slope
Search EDM Slope Correction /slope/ search_slope
User Profile Info (deprecated since v0.15.0, will be removed in v0.16.0) /users/ fetch_users
User Detail (deprecated since v0.15.0, will be removed in v0.16.0) /users/{pk}/ user
Search User (deprecated since v0.15.0, will be removed in v0.16.0) /users/ search_users

For more information about BMA, see the BMA documentation.

Bugs Reporting

If you found any bug about this library, you can raise an issue at the following link.


Copyright (c) 2019-present BPPTKG

By contributing to the project, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT license. See LICENSE for details.