- alloc.h: allows toggling malloc and godot_alloc.
- godot.c: interfaces the pcg tools to GDNative.
- nativescript_ini_doc.c: NativeScript interface for ini_doc.
node.h: Linear linked list.
btree.h: Binary sort tree.
grammar.h: Grammar string evolver.
graph.h: Double-linked graph nodes.
hash.h: Hash table for storing data by string key.
strbuff.h: Continuous string buffer.
vector_str.h: Vector string for mutability.
ini_doc.h: INI file reader/writer.
xml_doc.h: XML file reader/writer.
- Comments are stripped and ignored. ini_doc comments can be at the end of any line.
- Text elements inside XML nodes are concatenated after stripping
leading & trailing whitespace (per block of node-separated text).
- tiled_map.h: Tiled map (for 2D or flat-ground 3D).
- heightmap.h: Heightmap (for 3D terrain).
- octree.h: Start with a large cube, then divide to 8 cubes.
Repeat the process, creating the octal tree (until size==1).
- split_tiled_map_drawer.h: Tiled map binary split algorithm.
- dsquare_hmap.h: Diamond square over heightmap.
- octree_turtle.h: Octree "turtle" drawer.
- rand.h: C++ <random> library wrapper for C.
- Macros and headers to simplify godot_headers usage.
- godot_macros.h: Macros to reduce code when using GDNative API.
- godot_sub_native.h: Include by modules needing GDNative API struct.
- godot_native.h: Define GDNative API struct and init functions.
- ini_doc.gd: Stand-alone GDScript version of ini_doc using Dictionary.
- gcc (GNU C Compiler)
- make
- bash (optional: for test scripts)
On Linux these can be easily installed from repository.
For Windows, MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) includes gcc and make.
Note that the code is tailored for Linux, and getting the library to export to working DLL is currently WIP.
The godot_headers are also necessary. They're added to this repository as a submodule, but they don't download automatically. Use duckduckgo.com for info on git submodule, or you can download them manually by following the submodule link on github.
make godot
make godot
make deploy
make ns_ini_doc
cp bin/ini_doc.so godot_project/lib/
Now create ini_doc.tres
to point to ini_doc.so
and create ini_doc.gdns
for referencing the "ini_doc" class name.
const INI_DOC = preload("res://lib/ini_doc.gdns")
var doc = INI_DOC.new()
doc.set("section1", "key1", "value1")
doc.set_global("key2", "value2")
Currently ini_doc class does not support Godot path prefixes (res, user, and sys://).
set( section, key, value )
get( section, key ) -> String
set_global( key, value )
get_global( key ) -> String
open( filename )
save( filename )
parse( file_data )
to_string() -> String