This package serves a widget library to be paired with the BuildVersion PowerShell script package.
BuildVersion is a software package for Automation Studio to automatically collect version information from a git repository.
This widget library provides single binding widgets to quickly display a range of git version information.
NOTE: This is not an official package and is provided as-in under the GPL v3.0 license.
- Single structure binding
- Users can simply use the existing structure defined in BuildVersion
- Multiple compound widgets
- Basic
- Standard
- Advanced
- Change warning indicator
- Notify users when uncommitted changes are detected
NOTE: The warning icon appears to notify the user when the git repository has uncomitted changes.
A single binding is required to populate the widgets with build information.
Use the BuildVersion package with includes a task and variable to bind with ::BuildVer:BuildVersion
<Binding mode="oneWay">
<Source xsi:type="opcUaComplexObject" refId="::BuildVer:BuildVersion" />
<Target xsi:type="brease" contentRefId="content_0" widgetRefId="BuildVersionStandard1" attribute="value" />
The BuildVersionWidget library is supported with BuildVersion package version 0.0.3 and later.