Lightweight C implementation of hashmap for maps of arbitrary data size
make all
Eventually there will be an install in the make file that will place it in the appropriate system library and include directory.
See the header file to get detailed descriptions for all the functions in the chap library.
#include <chap.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
// Create a new map
chap_map_t *map = chap_map_new();
// Put a key/value pair into the map
chap_put(map, "key", "value");
// Get a key/value pair from the map
char *sval = chap_get(map, "key");
// Get an integer value from the map
chap_put(map, "number", "42");
int ival;
chap_get_int(map, "number", &ival);
// Provide a default to insert into the map if the value is not found when
// performing the get
char *dval = chap_get_default(map, "dkey", "default");
// Remove all entries from the map
// Destroy the map to prevent memory leaks
return 0;
gcc -o out main.c -lchap