A proof of concept trading bot that purchases "NO" shares for PredictIt.org Twitter count markets. The bot used Twitter's streaming API and PredictIt's API to be the fastest to purchase a "NO" share when a contract was no longer feasible.
- Fetch PredictIt markets through their API based on title "how many tweets will @__ tweet"
- Run Twitter HTTP streaming daemon process to subscribe to the scraped Twitter accounts tweets
- On a new tweet event, check markets for that Twitter account and trade if the market count just passed a contract
- Notifications on successful purchases through email/SMS
- Visual interface for markets with graphs and current tweet contract.
- Also shows recent trades for accounts and their balances.
- @potus tweets his 30th tweet and there is a contract for 25-29 tweets. The bot would purchase no on the 25-29 contract since the tweet pushed it over that range.
This application is only a prototype. PredictIt does not allow scraping or extracting data from their site. This bot directly violates their Terms of Service so use at your own risk!