Keeping it simple
0. (Optional) Run the install script
$ ./install
This has the effect of running the commands outlined in the next three steps.
1. Install Nix
$ sh <(curl --daemon
2. Apply the Home Manager configuration
$ nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes run home-manager/release-24.05 -- switch --flake .
3. Change shell to Bash
Set the Nix-installed Bash as the one for your user.
$ sudo bash -c "echo $(which bash) >> /etc/shells"
$ chsh -s $(which bash) $(whoami)
You'll need to log out then in again for this to take effect.
Set the color scheme.
$ base16_tomorrow
$ ./switch
Which has the effect of running the following
$ home-manager switch --flake .
Run the script
$ ./update
Which has the effect of running the following
$ nix-shell --run "niv update"