Scripts, utilities, and stuff used to answer questions that need data from github to answer.
First I used BigQuery to download csv lists of the most "important" repositories on GitHub. I then used those csvs as a list of repositories to download, using the script downrepos.bash, which takes a list of repository urls and downloads them to the specified folder (I used tail -n +2 ${filename} | cut -d "," -f 1
to get a list of the repo urls).
I used bigquery for listing the most "important" repositories on GitHub. I got lists of the repositories with the most number of watchers, the most number of forks, and the highest value of watchers multiplied with forks.
FROM [publicdata:samples.github_timeline] a
SELECT MAX(created_at) as max_created, repository_url
FROM [publicdata:samples.github_timeline]
GROUP EACH BY repository_url
) b
b.max_created = a.created_at and
b.repository_url = a.repository_url
ORDER BY repository_watchers desc
LIMIT 5000
FROM [publicdata:samples.github_timeline] a
SELECT MAX(created_at) as max_created, repository_url
FROM [publicdata:samples.github_timeline]
GROUP EACH BY repository_url
) b
b.max_created = a.created_at and
b.repository_url = a.repository_url
ORDER BY repository_forks desc
LIMIT 5000
repository_watchers * repository_forks as repository_value
FROM [publicdata:samples.github_timeline] a
SELECT MAX(created_at) as max_created, repository_url
FROM [publicdata:samples.github_timeline]
GROUP EACH BY repository_url
) b
b.max_created = a.created_at and
b.repository_url = a.repository_url
ORDER BY repository_value desc
LIMIT 5000
Bash scripts are under the 'scripts' directory, python scripts are under the 'python' directory.
Located under the 'python' directory, there are a few prefixes that indicate what the script is used for. The file is the common file with common variables and utilities defined.
Populates the mongodb with data, and should be idempotent when run twice, and will fill in the missing data when more repos are added.
Indicates that it will look through the data and print out something about it. It should not change anything in the database or otherwise.
When doing on the PAWN language on the /home/blake/data/ghlca/files/wtch/github/linguist/samples/PAWN/grandlarc.pwn file it wigged out and had a segfault. On commit f634313