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1126 lines (812 loc) · 42.5 KB

File metadata and controls

1126 lines (812 loc) · 42.5 KB



dd mm yyyy

  • BC break: Dropped PHP 8.0 support, minimum required version is now 8.1.0.
  • BC break: Removed /application-api.json file which is outdated since version 1.4.0.
  • Added PHP 8.3 compatibility (no changes were necessary, but it's tested now).
  • Added MySQL 8.4 compatibility (no changes were necessary, but it's tested now).
  • Fixed ESI errors "number of items must be less than or equal to ..." (CCP changed at least one endpoint
    without increasing its version).
  • Fixed database schema for MariaDB 10.5.
  • Small UI improvements.
  • Updated development environment to node 20.
  • Updated dependencies.


12 Nov 2023

  • New: The Docker image now supports HTTPS.
  • New: The ESI proxy API endpoints now also accept the headers Neucore-EveCharacter and Neucore-EveLogin as an alternative to the datasource parameter, which is now optional.
  • Change: The role app-esi has been split into several roles: app-esi-login, app-esi-proxy and app-esi-token. All applications with the app-esi role have been given all 3 new roles with a database update.
  • Fix: Show "Update Account" button for deactivated service accounts.
  • Fix: Search for deleted characters by ID did not work.
  • Fix: Calculate necessary space for labels in charts.
  • Fix: The endpoint /app/v1/esi/eve-login/{name}/token-data again no longer allows the EVE login core.default (as documented).


19 Oct 2023


2 Oct 2023

  • Added arm64 Docker image.


9 Sep 2023

  • BC Break: Dropped support for MariaDB 10.2, the minimum required version is now 10.5. Minimum required MySQL version is now 8.0.22, previously 8.0, but it was not tested with older versions.
  • New: Added compatibility with MariaDB 11.0.
  • New: API endpoint to get an ESI access token for a character.
  • Changed layout of login page.
  • Updated certificate bundle for all AWS regions.


11 Aug 2023

  • Change: Added character ID to the result of /api/app/v1/players. OpenAPI BC Break: The model of the return value changed.
  • Fix: Search for character names containing a slash was broken.
  • Improved texts.
  • Updated dependencies.


4 Aug 2023

  • BC Break: Raised minimum required PHP version to 8.0.2, from 8.0.0.
  • Updated neucore-plugin to version 3.
  • Added /api/app/v1/players endpoint to retrieve multiple player accounts identified by character IDs.
  • Fix: Various searches now handle the backslash correctly and disallow wildcards.
  • Fix: Text color of tooltips.
  • Fix: Member tracking ESI column sort.
  • Fix: Possible JS error due to browser extensions that insert code into the HTML head, preventing the CSS from loading.
  • Change: The Content-Security-Policy header does no longer need "data:" for "script-src".
  • Updated dependencies.


18 Jun 2023

  • New: The warning about deactivated groups now distinguishes between deactivated and soon to be deactivated.
  • New: Added note about deactivated group in the player modal window.
  • New: Added "deactivated" property with value "yes", "no" or "soon" to the POST /app/v1/groups endpoint result for each character.
  • New: CSV export for charts.
  • Fix: JavaScript error when adding a new EVE login.
  • Text changes/improvements.
  • Updated dependencies.


18 Mar 2023

With this release, many things have now been completed that were added since version 1.0 and were not quite finished yet.

  • Update to Neucore plugin version 2.1.0:
    • Menu items can now require the user to be a member or a manager of a group.
    • Added name of plugin to PluginConfiguration object.
  • Change: The required groups check for plugins no longer ignores the delay from the "Groups Deactivation" feature.
  • Fix: Menu items from plugins were not always shown before login.
  • Small text changes, layout and usability improvements.
  • Updated dependencies.


19 Feb 2023

  • BC Break: Update to Neucore plugin version 2.0.0:
    • Plugins now have access to much more data from Neucore.
    • Plugins can now add menu items to the "Services" menu.
  • Change: Line breaks in the Base64-encoded authentication tokens of applications are removed.
  • Fix: It was possible to accept a group application even if the player was not allowed to be a member of that group.
  • Fix: The "auto" flag for watchlists of corporations was sometimes incorrectly set to false. #34
  • Docker (prod): Added a symlink from /var/www/web to /var/www/html so that it matches the repository structure.


11 Feb 2023

  • BC Break: Update to Neucore plugin version 1.0.0:
    • Menu items from plugins can now require roles.
    • Added "plugin" command (cron jobs for plugins).
  • Change: No longer showing accounts from deactivated plugins in the player modal window (but still on the user admin page).
  • Fix: No longer updating accounts from deactivated services when manually updating an account.
  • Fix: Member tracking admin displayed characters as directors with valid tokens but without the required role.
  • Small UI improvements.
  • Updated dependencies.


22 Jan 2023

  • The database table character set was changed from utf8mb3 to utf8mb4. (Dev: Drop tables in test database to recreate them with the new character set)
  • Improvement: When updating service accounts by the cronjob, the service implementation object is now directly destroyed when it is no longer needed. This allows plugins to free up resources.
  • Fix: The API returned status code 200 (without data) instead of 500 for certain errors.
  • Fix: Apps could not be deleted if there were entries for them in the statistics table.
  • Small layout improvement.
  • Update dependencies.


18 Jan 2023

  • Fix: Member tracking updates (command was broken).
  • New logo
  • Update neucore-plugin to 0.11.0 (no breaking changes).
  • SVG images are now allowed in settings.
  • Footer: Replaced GitHub icon with Neucore logo and text, removed Discord link.
  • UI/docu improvements.


6 Jan 2023

This release introduces general purpose plugins, see also doc/

  • BC Break: Updated Neucore plugin to 0.10.0.
  • BC Break: Neucore\Plugin\ServiceInterface::request is now also called if no user is logged in (URL /plugin/{id}/{name}).
  • Added search for service accounts to Member Data -> Characters.
  • Duplicate character search results have been removed.
  • Small UI improvements.


1 Jan 2023

  • BC break: Removed compatibility with plugins without a plugin.yml file (see 1.40.0 below for details).
  • BC Break: Renamed the URL /login/core.managed to /login/
  • The user interface and documentation regarding the account status have been improved.
  • Small layout improvements and fixes.


28 Dec 2022

This release introduces changes to the configuration of plugins and will be the only release that is compatible with the old and the new configuration.

See doc/ for details on installing plugins.

To update a service plugin configuration:

  • Open its service admin page twice in 2 different browser tabs.
  • Choose the appropriate plugin from the dropdown list at the top. Attention: this will load the default configuration values from the plugin.yml file!
  • Copy any configuration values from the "Optional" block from the second tab that you want to keep (probably all).
  • Click save.


  • BC break: Dropped PHP 7.4 support, minimum required version is now 8.0.
  • BC Break: Updated Neucore plugin to 0.9.2 (from 0.8.0).
  • BC break: Removed files necessary to deploy on Heroku (I can't test it anymore because they removed free plans).
  • Deprecated: Plugins without a plugin.yml file are deprecated and will stop working with the next release.
  • New: The new plugin method ServiceInterface::onConfigurationChange is called when a service configuration is saved.
  • New: Added option to disable service plugins.
  • Improved service plugin configuration page.
  • Small layout improvements and fixes.
  • PHP 8.2 compatibility (no change was necessary, but it's tested now).
  • Changed the Content Security Policy (CSP) header (in the documentation and Docker). This also fixes links to Eve Who.
  • Added HTTP content compression to Docker container (prod).
  • Updated dependencies.
  • Dev: Update to Node.js 18 LTS.
  • Dev: Removed support for composer.phar in, now it needs the composer command to be available.
  • Dev: Moved "dist" and "install" scripts to the new setup subdirectory.
  • Dev: Removed the .composer directory. The Composer home directory is now in the Docker container.


5 Nov 2022

  • BC break: Removed NEUCORE_HSTS_MAX_AGE option (Strict-Transport-Security). This should be better set at the HTTP server, see also Install#security.
  • BC break: Moved web/dist/favicon.ico to web/favicon.ico, this prevents some 404 errors in the logs.
  • Added robots.txt to prevent some 404 errors in the logs.
  • Member Tracking: Added new filter option: no token.
  • Added admin function to add a new character to a new account.
  • Added function to copy a list of character names to the clipboard on the user admin page and in the player modal window.
  • Improved session security.
  • Added security related HTTP headers to the web server in the Docker image.
  • Removed inline CSS styles and JavaScript code to use a better value for the Content Security Policy header.
  • Removed NEUCORE_SESSION_SAME_SITE option because there's no reason to change it.
  • Small UI fixes and improvements.
  • Dev: Fixed CSS reloading for development build, see also


15 Oct 2022

  • BC Break The body message of the IP-based rate limit error response (status 429) slightly changed.
  • Security: Added option to disable login with alts (see sso-issues#79).
  • Allow roles tracking and watchlist to update characters and services from all accounts.
  • Show new or old Neucore account (if available) for characters that were transferred to another EVE account.
  • Added Ajax search for the alliance and corporation select boxes instead of initially populating them with all.
  • Small UI fixes and improvements.
  • Some refactoring.
  • Updated dependencies.


3 Oct 2022

  • New: Added an optional IP based rate limit for all requests to the backend.
  • Change: The HTTP rate limit headers are now added only when rate limiting is active for apps, not when it is configured only. They are also added if the IP based rate limiting in on.
  • Fixed and improved /universe/names/ ESI requests.
  • Some refactoring of the frontend, which slightly changes the behavior when changing system settings.
  • Other small improvements and fixes.


15 Sep 2022

  • Fix: Link in the modal window of the player to another player closed the modal window.
  • Added CSS class for the icon for external links that can also be used in Markdown text.
  • Small UI changes.


11 Sep 2022

  • Change: Apps with the app-esi role no longer automatically have access to the default ESI token. Instead, the corresponding EVE login must now be added to the app (this is done automatically for all existing apps with a database migration).
  • App API: Implemented EVE login permission check for apps (ESI endpoints) (#32).
  • Change: The endpoint /api/app/v1/esi/eve-login/{name}/characters now allows the "core.default" login.
  • App API: Added /api/app/v1/esi/eve-login/{name}/token-data endpoint.
  • Added button to show the player account to the group management search results if the user has permission to see it.
  • Should a /universe/names/ ESI request fail because of invalid IDs it is now tried again with fewer IDs. Any request that still fails after that will add the failed IDs to the log.
  • Added alliance name in group member lists and link to EveWho for the character.


4 Sep 2022

  • WARNING: This update will delete existing director tokens from characters that were not previously added to a player account.
  • Refactored director login for member tracking. The token is now added via the "Add additional ESI tokens" button on the home page.
  • Added list of ESI tokens on the EVE login admin page.
  • Replaced fonts in dark themes where I (uppercase i) and l (lowercase L) were not distinguishable.
  • Added new themes: Morph, Quartz, Vapor, Zephyr.
  • Docker image (prod): Added missing php.ini file (copy of php.ini-production) and mysqli extension.
  • Added login images to dist/img/ so they can be used in Markdown.
  • Fixed alliance and corporation search. #38
  • Other small improvements.


19 Aug 2022

  • New: Roles can now be configured with groups a player must belong to. This allows roles to be removed automatically.
  • Change: App request statistics are now recorded hourly instead of daily.
  • New: Added new chart with hourly app requests.
  • Improvement: For all charts you can now select an end date and the time period to be displayed.
  • Improvement: Groups are now synchronized immediately when a player is added to or removed from a group.
  • Improvement: The customizable text on the login page can now contain new lines.
  • Fix: The HTML around the password on the service plugin page has been changed so that it does not contain spaces at the beginning or end when copied in some browsers.
  • Change: The link on the login page has been changed to the new SSO article.
  • Change: Removed "GitHub" configuration option, it's now always
  • New: Added link to the Neucore Discord Server in the footer (small icon next to the GitHub icon).
  • Other small improvements, fixes and library updates.


19 Jul 2022

  • Fix: Do not merge accounts when the character owner hash changed, only move the character.


03 Jul 2022

  • Fixed member tracking table.


02 Jul 2022

  • Fixed: When adding the main character again, the main flag was removed.
  • Added Dockerfile for production and an image at
  • Dev: Renamed the Docker network in docker-compose.yml from neucore_network to neucore_dev.


19 Jun 2022

  • BC Break Updated neucore-plugin to 0.8.0.
  • BC Break: The /core.alt and /core.managed-alt login URLs have been removed. Use core.default and core.managed respectively.
  • Change: It is no longer possible to freely move characters between accounts. Instead, accounts are now merged when someone logs in with a character from another account while already logged in.
  • Added new reason for character deletion for admins: lost access.
  • The character's corporation is now also set to Doomheim if the character update returns a 404 "Character has been deleted" response. This can be faster than an update via affiliations.
  • Small UI improvements.

ESI endpoint for apps:

  • Added /app/v2/esi and deprecated /app/v1/esi. The new version contains error messages in the body instead of the reason phrase.
  • Added checks for ESI 429 errors (rate limit and throttled). If these have occurred and the wait time has not yet expired, Core now returns a 429 error itself instead of making the ESI request.
  • Added Retry-After header for 429 errors from /app/v2/esi that are from Core, not ESI.
  • The Retry-After header from ESI is now also passed through, if it is present.
  • Fixed type of Expires header from integer to string in OpenAPI definition file for /app/v1/esi.


3 Jun 2022

  • New: The user agent for the HTTP client is now configurable (optional).
  • New: Configuration to reduce ESI 403 errors from structure name updates (Administration -> Settings -> Features -> Structure Name Updates) (update-member-tracking command).
  • New: The time of the last check was added to the ESI tokens.
  • New: Added "characters" option to the check-token command to optionally reduce the number of ESI tokens that are validated.
  • Change: Structure names are no longer updated more than once during one run (update-member-tracking command).
  • Change: ESI tokens that are marked as invalid are no longer validated.
  • Change: Adjusted default sleep times for some cron jobs.
  • Fix: Re-added missing director token for structure name updates (member tracking).
  • Text improvements.
  • Updated dependencies.
  • Dev: Removed Node.js 14 support.
  • Dev: (Re)moved .drone.yml.


5 Feb 2022

  • Fix Member Tracking: Background was not always removed when the player modal window was closed.
  • Some small text and layout improvements.


16 Jan 2022

  • BC Break Updated tkhamez/neucore-plugin to 0.7.0.
  • New: Added update button to update all service accounts from a player to the characters modal and user admin page.
  • New: Added redirect after login to the previous URL.
  • Small bug fixes.


9 Jan 2022

  • New: Groups can now be marked as default, which adds them to any account. The configuration of the required groups is still respected. Members will not be removed if a group is no longer marked as default.
  • New: "Forbidden" groups have been added in the group configuration. An account is removed from a group if it is a member of one of its forbidden groups.


1 Jan 2022

  • BC Break Updated tkhamez/neucore-plugin to 0.6.0: One account property changed its name, from displayName to name. This needs to be adjusted on the Service configuration page if it is used.
  • PHP 8.1 compatibility.
  • Added optional environment variable NEUCORE_ERROR_REPORTING to change the error reporting level.
  • Update to Bootstrap 5 (from 4).
  • UI fixes and improvements.


12 Dec 2021

  • BC break: Increased min. PHP version to 7.4.
  • Increased min. Node.js version to 14.15.
  • Fixed: App API ESI response did not contain error message in body.
  • Updated dependencies.


15 Nov 2021

  • Adjustment of detection of deleted characters after ESI change.
  • Do not try to get roles from ESI of characters without ESI token.


23 Oct 2021

  • Always update the refresh token in the database after successfully refreshed the access token.
  • Always delete invalid refresh token from the database after unsuccessfully requesting a new access token.
  • Implemented wait time (Retry-After header) after a 429 response from SSO.
  • Fixed display of error message from service plugins.
  • Fixed HTTP User-Agent header for requests with the OpenAPI client.
  • Fixed revoke token request.
  • Updated dependencies.


18 Sep 2021

  • BC break: Removed
  • Updated dependencies.


17 Sep 2021

  • BC break: Updated tkhamez/neucore-plugin to 0.5.0, all plugins must be updated, or they will stop working.
  • BC break: The "Required Groups" configuration was changed from AND to OR, so only one is now required instead of all of them.
  • Implemented everything that is necessary for the Discord plugin
  • Fix: EVE Logins dropdown was empty on App Administration page


4 Sep 2021

  • Note This update includes a big database update, make sure to create a backup before updating.
  • BC break: Updated tkhamez/neucore-plugin to 0.4.0.
    Because of the change in 0.3.0 all plugins must be updated, or they will stop working. It adds "Configuration Data" to the service plugin configuration. This data is available in the class implementing Neucore\Plugin\ServiceInterface.
  • Added "Display Name" to service plugins (with plugin version 0.4.0).
  • New: Multiple ESI tokens per character with configurable scopes. #32
  • Added token status change date to character modal.
  • Added reason "moved-owner-changed" (used instead of "moved" if applicable) to "RemovedCharacter".
  • Renamed "Find Alts" page to "Characters".
  • Removed "invalid token" and "no token" account lists from user admin page.
  • Removed "managed-alt" login link on home page for managed accounts.
  • Small text improvements for the service admin page and better error handling when the service configuration is invalid.
  • Other small UI improvements.
  • Updated dependencies.


21 May 2021

  • Fix some required group checks.


21 May 2021

  • BC break: If a group has other groups as prerequisites, the player now only needs to be a member of one of those groups instead of all of them.
  • New: Display public/private and auto-accept flag for group managers.
  • New: Display the number of members of groups.
  • New: Show the player's corporation in the group members list.
  • New: Show character modal button for user managers if they have the "user-chars" role.
  • Change: Previously, the account in the member tracking list was updated only when the other data was updated as well. This is no longer the case and instead the account display is now always up-to-date.
  • Change: When a player is removed from a group, their application is now also removed, if there is one.
  • Fix: Delete group description from input field when group was deleted.
  • Update dependencies.


14 May 2021

  • Groups can now be set to "automatically accept" so that applications do not have to be approved.
  • Added description to groups.
  • Some improvements and bug fixes for the group application process.
  • Exclude renamed and moved characters from some character searches.
  • Added corporation filter to the group members endpoint (app API).
  • Added CSRF Token to the API description.


9 May 2021

  • New API endpoints for apps:
    • GET /app/v1/group-members/{groupId} Returns the main character IDs from all group members.
    • POST /app/v1/characters Returns all characters from multiple player accounts identified by character IDs.
  • Changed check for supported browsers.
  • Removed duplicate character search results (from character movements).
  • Small bug fixes.
  • Updated dependencies.


24 Apr 2021

  • BC break: The file web/theme.js has been moved to web/dist/theme.js (source location: frontend/public/theme.js).
  • BC break: Drop support for IE 11.
  • BC break (dev only): Drop support for Node.js 10.
  • Frontend: vue-cli 4 added, which changes the build process and downgrades Webpack to v4, from v5.
  • Frontend: Update vue.js to version 3.
  • Backend: Fixed CORS middleware, added "SameSite" configuration option to Session middleware.
  • New: Log a missing character name change if the access token still contains the old name. See also ccpgames/sso-issues#68
  • Fix: Group Management accept/deny buttons.


2 Apr 2021

  • Fix: App request charts were broken.
  • Fix: The new function for character renames was not used for cron job.
  • Change: The name of a character is no longer updated with the name from the OAuth data after a login, because after a character name change, this name can be the old name.


29 Mar 2021

  • New: Log character name changes.
  • Character search now includes removed and renamed characters and can find characters by ID.
  • Focus input field for character search after clicking the "Clear input" button.
  • Minor dependency updates.


15 Feb 2021

  • Character modal: Added groups, moved characters and service accounts.
  • Group Management: Added list of managers.
  • User Admin: Overview of service accounts added.
  • Tracking Admin: Added the ticker to corporations in the list.
  • Player Groups Management: The left column is sticky now.
  • Watchlist: Sort dropdown by name.
  • Settings - Directors: Sort corporations by name.
  • Home: Renamed "Update ESI data" button to "Update corporation".
  • Added "player" option to "update-player-groups" command.
  • The "update player groups" function now also synchronizes the manager role, just in case there was an error before.
  • Improved performance of permission check for "/api/user/player/{id}/characters".


31 Jan 2021

  • Reduced memory usage of "update-service-accounts" job.
  • Added path checking for CSRF token middleware so that it does not run for the "app" API.
  • Updated dependencies.


30 Jan 2021

  • BC break: Service registration plugins must implement v0.2.0 now, updated from 0.1.0.
  • Services: Added "update-service-accounts" command and added it to bin/
  • Services: Service accounts are now reloaded after a manual update (frontend).
  • New: Charts with statistics on player logins and app requests.
  • New: Added CSRF protection.
  • New: Added option to enable Strict-Transport-Security.
  • ESI: Added check for "Undefined 429 response", see also esi/esi-issues#1227
  • ESI: Do not query different types at once via "universe/names".
  • Tracking: Trim search.
  • Tools: Added shell script to build the distribution with docker.


16 Jan 2021

  • Services: It is now checked whether groups are deactivated.
  • Fix "There is no active transaction" error during DB migrations with PHP 8.


10 Jan 2021

  • Add configurable text (markdown) on the login page below the login button.


9 Jan 2021

  • Experimental: Service registration plugins.
  • Navigation: Do not show "Groups" link if there are no public groups.
  • Rate limit: Always log if the configured limit was reached, even if it's not active.
  • Set SameSite attribute for session cookie.
  • Other small improvements.
  • Compatibility with PHP 8.0


23 Nov 2020

  • Add compression for frontend production build.


23 Nov 2020

  • Added Content-Length header for JSON responses to enable compression with nginx.
  • Fixed frontend build for IE 11.
  • Fixed member tracking table sort for columns with HTML.


23 Nov 2020

  • BC break: Raised minimum required PHP version to 7.3.0
  • BC break (dev only): Raised minimum Node.js version to 10.16.0 (with npm 6.9.0)
  • BC break The default theme has been removed from the settings. Instead, there is now a configuration file web/theme.js.
  • Added statistics with number of logins per account and month.
  • Added statistics with number of requests per app and day.
  • Changed sleep time for update-player-groups command.
  • Removed the debug log of application rate limits.
  • Several small fixes.
  • Replaced Google Fonts Plugin with Fontsource.
  • Compatibility with Node.js 14.
  • Many dependencies updated.


6 Aug 2020

  • BC break The application API is now split into several tags. This can lead to backwards incompatible API clients that were generated automatically.
  • New: Application API endpoint that returns all known characters from a list of character IDs.
  • New: Application API endpoint that returns all known characters from one corporation.
  • New: Added the date when a character was added to the database to the list of characters (UI).
  • New: Required groups are now checked when adding new members to a group.
  • New: Implemented API and UI to add, rename and delete watchlists.
  • New: Lock for the watchlist settings: If enabled, only watchlist admins can add and remove alliances and corporations from the list of watched alliances and corporations. Watchlist managers can still edit the kick- and allowlist.
  • Change: The watchlist role no longer gives access to all characters from all accounts, but only to accounts that are on a watchlist for which the user has view permission (similar to how it works for the tracking role and member tracking data).
  • Change: Inclusive and more descriptive terminology (changed "red flags" to warnings, blacklist to kicklist or denylist and whitelist to allowlist)
  • BC break The console command auto-whitelist was renamed to auto-allowlist
  • Added with update-chars and update-player-groups jobs.
  • Small UI improvements and fixes.


13 Jun 2020

  • Improved "Find Alts" page layout.
  • Fixed Watchlist: Allowlist did not always load. #30
  • Fixed an error that broke the app in IE 11.
  • Other small stuff.


5 Jun 2020

  • New: Added the "Find Alts" page, which accepts a list of character names and returns them grouped by player account. It requires the new role "user-chars".
  • Change: BC break The character search and the list of alts has been moved from the watchlist to the new page "Find Alts" and now requires the new role "user-chars".
  • Change: BC break The editing permission for a watchlist is now configured separately for each watchlist using a group, so the role "watchlist-manager" is now also managed automatically.
  • Change: The character search for group managers can now only find main characters, no more alts.
  • Change: the app-manager and group-manager roles are now added and removed automatically, depending on whether the player is a manager of an app or a group.
  • Change: The "auto-allowlist" command no longer needs a watchlist ID, it now runs for all watchlists without it.
  • Improvement: Added name of the director with ESI token to the Member Tracking Administration page.
  • Fix: The Member Tracking corporation selection now only offers corporation that the user can see.
  • Fix: ESI result body was not always displayed correctly.
  • Fix: Could not delete character from a corporation with member tracking data.


27 May 2020

  • Fixed character modal on Watchlist page again.
  • Improved some table layouts
  • Fixed: watchlist name was changed in data fixture.
  • Updated dependencies


24 May 2020

  • Change: When the main character is removed from an account, another character is now automatically made the main.
  • Added /app/v1/player-with-characters/{characterId} app API endpoint which returns the player account to which the character ID belongs with all characters.
  • Watchlist: Added a watchlist select box and removed hard coded selection. (API and UI for adding, removing and renaming watchlists are still missing.)
  • Added rate limiting middleware for the application API.
  • APCu storage added for variables that do not need to be stored permanently.
  • Small bug fixes and improvements.


15 May 2020

  • Fix menu.


4 May 2020

  • Member Tracking: Added "mail count" filter.


4 May 2020

  • Member Tracking: Added number of sent mails.


3 May 2020

  • Member Tracking: Added send result from "missing character" mail.
  • Member Tracking: Added all form settings to URL.


3 May 2020

  • Member Tracking: removed "changed" column, added tooltips with ESI token change date and "missing character" mail sending date.


2 May 2020

  • Reduced CPU usage of tracking role sync.
  • Added Warning header to the allowlist of the app ESI endpoint.
  • Changed environment variable prefix from BRAVECORE_ to NEUCORE_ (with fallback, old names still work).


1 May 2020

  • Increased sleep time of the update-player-groups command to reduce CPU usage.
  • Added POST requests to the ESI endpoint (GUI, not apps).
  • Implemented a debug option for ESI queries (GUI, not apps).
  • Moved the PHP error log to BRAVECORE_LOG_PATH.


26 Apr 2020

  • Fixed a bug where a character was not correctly moved to a new account.


18 Apr 2020

  • BC break The update-chars command no longer updates corporations and alliances, instead there is a new command update-corporations.
  • New: Added "Update from ESI" button to the character modal.
  • New: Added members tab to groups for group admins.
  • Change: Added role watchlist-manager with permissions to edit the configuration, edit access is now restricted to watchlist-admin.
  • Change: Moved "set account status" function from the role user-admin to user-manager.
  • Improvement: The "automatic group assignment" is now performed directly when a character is added or removed from an account.
  • Improvement: Unit tests can now also be run with a SQLite in-memory database.
  • Fix: Added missing permission to role "watchlist" to use the character search.
  • Small UI improvements
  • Some refactoring


8 Mar 2020

  • Fixed character modal on Watchlist page


4 Mar 2020

  • Updated ESI client
  • Fixed alliance/corporation search


29 Feb 2020

  • New: Automatic inclusion of corporations in the allowlist for the watchlist.
  • New: Added character search with list of all characters on a player account to the watchlist page.
  • Change: Group managers can no longer see a list of all characters on a player account.
  • Change: Access to the list of all characters on a player account for the "tracking" role is now limited to accounts that have a character in a corresponding corporation.
  • Change: Trim character search input.
  • Integrated Swagger UI build/installation with frontend.
  • Other small stuff.


26 Dec 2019

  • New: Watchlist: Kicklist added.
  • New: Watchlist: Allowlist for corporations and alliances added.
  • New: Notification mail for characters from tracked corporations that have not yet been added to Neucore.
  • New: incoming-characters endpoint for apps.
  • Added last update date to corporation tracking data.
  • Removed scopes column from the character table because that information is now (SSOv2) included in the JSON Web Token.
  • Switched to the new EVE image server.
  • Fix: sometimes newly added characters were not updated, so their corporation was missing.
  • Other small stuff.


24 Nov 2019

  • Using /characters/affiliation/ and /universe/names/ instead of /characters/{character_id}/ to update characters (much shorter cache time and faster)


21 Nov 2019

  • BC break Deactivate Groups: This is now limited to accounts with characters in configurable alliances or corporations.
  • New: Watchlist (show accounts with characters in other alliances or corporations).
  • Invalid ESI token mail: This can now also be sent to members of corporations that are not part of an alliance.
  • UI fixes.
  • Also update ESI refresh tokens when getting a new access token.
  • Other small stuff.


12 Nov 2019

  • BC break: The notification mail "Account disabled" is now called "Invalid ESI token" and is sent regardless of the feature setting "Disable accounts".
    This mail is deactivated with the update.
    The command "send-account-disabled-mail" was renamed to "send-invalid-token-mail".
  • Member Tracking: Search can now be limited to individual columns.
  • API: Added "created" date to the character model.
  • UI improvements.
  • Google fonts are now bundled (no more requests to


21 Oct 2019

  • Fix: Endpoints POST /api/app/v1/groups, POST /api/app/v1/corp-groups and POST /api/app/v1/alliance-groups.


20 Oct 2019

  • BC break: Raised minimum required PHP Version to 7.2.0
  • BC break: Raised minimum required Node.js Version to 10.13.0
  • BC break: URLs like domain.tdl//api (note the double slash) do not work anymore.
  • Update to Slim 4
  • Update to Babel 7
  • Refactored frontend to use a runtime-only build
  • User admin now also displays "incoming" characters that have been moved from another account.
  • Some UI and performance improvements
  • Fix: token state flag for SSOv2 tokens without scopes.


21 Sep 2019

  • Member Tracking: even more improvements.
  • Bug fixes.


1 Sep 2019

  • API BC break: CorporationMember model changed
  • Member Tracking: more fixes and improvements.
  • Documentation: fixes and improvements.


31 Aug 2019

  • Fixed/Improved Member Tracking page.


21 Aug 2019

  • Breaking: requires gmp PHP extension
  • Switch to SSO v2 #15
  • Switch to OpenAPI 3.0: there is a new OpenAPI interface description file at /application-api-3.yml for the "App" API in OpenAPI version 3.0 format. The file /application-api.json in Swagger version 2.0 format is still available, but will not be updated anymore. #9
  • Memory consumption of cron jobs significantly reduced
  • Added ESI error limit checking to the "update" commands and delayed execution if it is too low.
  • Frontend fix: Filter for member tracking by token status change date does not work. #25
  • Some preparations for the Slim 4 Update #24
  • Other small stuff


4 Aug 2019

  • App API: new endpoint that accepts an EVE corporation ID and returns a list of all player IDs that have a character in the corporation.
  • App API: new endpoint that accepts a player ID and returns all characters from that account.
  • Member tracking: added more filter options for the member list
  • Small improvements for UI, frontend and documentation.


20 Jul 2019

  • Fix: Edge does not load theme stylesheet.
  • UI: Optimization for small screens.
  • The minimum required Node.js version has been increased to 8.12.0.


30 Jun 2019

  • Member tracking: added option to limit to members that do not belong to a player account.
  • Added command to delete expired Guzzle cache entries.


22 Jun 2019

  • Fix "Core does not detect a character transfer" #23


16 Jun 2019

  • New: Optional text area on the home page with customizable text that supports Markdown syntax. #21
  • Group management: added action buttons directly to the search result #20
  • User admin: added list of accounts with missing ESI tokens #16
  • Cron jobs: reduced number of log entries, reduced sleep time.
  • Log format is now configurable via optional environment variable BRAVECORE_LOG_FORMAT: multiline (default), line (no stacktrace), fluentd, gelf, html, json, loggly, logstash
  • Other small stuff/fixes


7 Jun 2019

  • Configurable location and rotation of log files. #12
  • Configurable cache directory. #18
  • DI container no longer caches values of environment variables. #17
  • Improved loading time of the theme css file. #11
  • Added environment variable to optionally disable the secure attribute on the session cookie.


With this release, the user interface is complete.

5 May 2019

  • New: Customization for some texts, links and images and the default theme.
  • New: UI for requestable groups.
  • New: user admins can delete any character without creating a "removed character" database entry.


22 Apr 2019

  • New: Membership in one group can now be made dependent on another group membership (see documentation Required Groups).
  • New: error limit for applications (only for esi endpoints).
  • New: removed-characters endpoint for apps.
  • BC-Break: DB migrations no longer add data, this is now done with Doctrine data fixtures. If you update from a version lower than 0.7.0, you must manually add these new roles to your existing applications (if desired): app-groups, app-chars.
  • BC-Break: "Player Groups Admin" is now called "Player Group Management" and requires the new role user-manager (instead of user-admin).
  • BC-Break: Group applications revised, all existing applications are deleted with the update.
  • BC-Break: The console command make-admin accepts now the Neucore player ID instead of the EVE character ID.
  • Added player ID to account name everywhere.
  • Added support for encrypted MySQL connection.
  • Layout fixes.


13 Mar 2019

  • Added "managed" accounts (see documentation Account status).
  • Added ESI "proxy" endpoint for apps.
  • Added cache for ESI data.
  • Added app endpoint that combines the player groups, corp groups and alliance groups endpoints.
  • Added application-api.json interface file that contains only the API for applications.
  • Implemented more fine-grained permissions for apps (new roles app-groups and app-chars).
  • Added themes.
  • Several UI improvements.
  • Added script that creates a build for distribution.
  • Other small stuff.


31 Dec 2018

  • Added corporation member tracking


23 Dec 2018

  • Waiting time between sending mails increased in order not to trigger the ESI rate limit.
  • Dropped Node.js 6.x support
  • Updated dependencies


8 Dec 2018

New functions:

  • Group deactivation for accounts: If one or more characters in a player account have an invalid ESI token, the third-party application API will no longer return groups for that account. This must be enabled in system settings. There is also a configurable delay for it.
  • Optional EVE mail notification for disabled accounts.
  • Character deletion: If a character has been transferred to another EVE account, it will be deleted or, if detected during login, moved to a new player account. Biomassed characters (Doomheim) are now also deleted automatically.
  • Players can now also delete their characters manually, this must be enabled in the system settings.
  • System settings: Some things can now be configured or activated/deactivated, needs the new role "settings".


  • Third-party API: Added endpoint to get all characters from a player account.
  • Third-party API: added reason phrases for 404 errors (v2 endpoints, no BC break).

Other things:

  • minor user interface improvements
  • small bug fixes
  • some backend refactoring


24 Aug 2018

  • Fully functional frontend for all API endpoints except for group membership requests.


8 Jul 2018

  • UI for Group Management


27 May 2018

  • Automatic group assignment for alliances
  • API for Apps: Added an endpoint to get groups of corporations and alliances.
  • A character's manual update now also updates the player's groups.
  • Some minor improvements and fixes


6 May 2018

  • Frontend for alliance members to add their characters.
  • Automatic group memberships based on corporation affiliation.
  • API (usable with Swagger UI) to
    • manage applications and groups (add, delete, add and remove managers).
    • apply to a group, accept/deny group applications.
    • manage group memberships.
    • manage roles for players.
  • API for applications to read player groups and their main character.