By: Braveenth Rasanayagam
The mission of PromptLii is to democratize access to the Canadian legal information that is currently available through CanLii (Canadian Legal Information Institute). Individuals with reading, comprehension, and attention challenges may find the cases on CanLii to be intimidating to understand and comprehend.
Canadians should have open and fair access to the resources on CanLii, and we can leverage recent technological advances to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to use these resources and participate both fully and fairly in Canadian society.
By incorporating LLMs, image generation, and text-to-speech, this project has been able to distill and reiterate legal information in various different ways for different learning styles.
Video Tutorial: TBA
License: MIT -
The information provided here may not be factual. Please do your own research. The output was generated by AI. I am not responsible for anything here. USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.