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autoit Scripts

Developed by B.Vignesh Kumar

Autoit Snippets

  1. check_server_alive.au3 - Checks if the server is alive.

  2. configure_env_paths.au3 - Can Configure Env Paths using setx command

  3. config.ini - Sample Environment Configuration

  4. detect_software_installations.au3 - Installed Software Detection in Windows This can be modified to write the detected installation into config file and read later.

  5. findinfile.au3 - File in Find - Very nice tool.

  6. drivemapper.au3 - Map/unmap Network Drives

  7. XDaysClean.au3 - Clean X old days of Files. Search Recursively. Doesnt delete folders.

  8. environment.au3 - This is what I run when I get a new PC, so I will have all the registry keys and folders I need for my workflow.

  9. get_putty_sessions.au3 - This script will get all your PuTTY sessions stored in the registry and output them to a text file. This to me is handy, if I need to make changes to any of the session config, I always use this to get a full list, so I can tick off the servers once I have made the change.

  10. free_diskspace.au3 - Shows you the free space on all your fixed and network drives, very simple.