👨💻 I initiated my venture into web development in 2022, and presently, I am actively engaged in acquiring proficiency in the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack.
🔭 I aspire to elevate my programming skills and achieve mastery in full-stack web development, leveraging innovation to contribute meaningfully to the dynamic and ever-evolving technological landscape
📫 How to reach me brcshakil72@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tcC2F_gwBPh3xsXp6ExSYia1OeUly8IE/view?usp=sharing
Building Management System (BMS) | 24 November, 2023 - 30 November, 2023
MERN stack web app enables remote property management for owners, showcasing vital details and paginated apartment listings in a concise layout.
Intuitive user authentication redirects unregistered users to login, ensuring a streamlined agreement process. Members can easily submit and manage agreements.
Multi-tiered user roles (User, Member, Admin) offer personalized dashboards, facilitating seamless rent payments and agreement management for enhanced user experience.
- Front-end: HTML, Tailwind, Material UI, JS and React.js
- Back-end : Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB
- Payment System: React Stripe.js
Furthermore, to fortify user security and streamline authentication processes, I have seamlessly integrated Firebase Authentication. For efficient deployment, I have utilized Firebase hosting.
Study Project | 5 November, 2023 - 8 November, 2023
"Let's Study" enables assignment creation, submission, and evaluation, fostering collaborative learning in a streamlined interface.
Seamless assignment creation, submission, and evaluation for a user-centric learning experience on "Let's Study."
Dynamic assignment pages with pagination ensure accessibility, empowering users to engage in an interactive learning community
- Front-end: HTML, Tailwind, Daisy UI, JS and React.js
- Back-end : Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB
Furthermore, to fortify user security and streamline authentication processes, I have seamlessly integrated Firebase Authentication. For efficient deployment, I have utilized Firebase hosting.
Automotive brands shop projects | 18 October, 2023 - 20 October, 2023
E-commerce platform with dynamic product browsing, brand exploration, and a personalized cart for a streamlined user experience.
Easily add, update, and explore products, with brand-specific pages and a personalized cart, enhancing the DriveWave shopping experience.
DriveWave features dynamic routes, secure login, and registration, empowering users to manage and update their own product listings.
- Front-end: HTML, Tailwind, Daisy UI, JS and React.js
- Back-end : Express.js, Node.js, and MongoDB
Furthermore, to fortify user security and streamline authentication processes, I have seamlessly integrated Firebase Authentication. For efficient deployment, I have utilized Firebase hosting.