Ruby Enumerable methods.
Reimplementation of the following Ruby Enumerable methods:
- #each
- #each_with_index
- #select
- #all
- #any
- #none
- #count
- #map
- #inject
- multiply_els
- Ruby
- Rubocop
- RSpec
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- Ruby
- a terminal
- Clone or download this repository
- cd into the project's directory
- run Ruby passing the 'enumerables.rb' file
ruby enumerables.rb
To run tests you need to have RSpec installed
gem install rspec
Go into the project's root directory and execute RSpec to run the tests
👨💻 Breno Xavier
- GitHub: @brenoxav
- Twitter: @brenoxav
- LinkedIn: Breno Xavier
👨💻 Carlos Gutierrez
- GitHub: @cgcarlosg
- Twitter: @cgcarlosg1
- LinkedIn: @carlosalbeniogutierrez
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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