lolwrapper is a Python wrapper for the Riot League of Legends API endpoints. lolwrapper works with Python >= 3.6
$ pip install lolwrapper
>>> from lol.riot import Riot
>>> api = Riot('your-api-key')
>>> api.champion
>>> api.championmastery
>>> api.league
>>> api.lolstaticdata
>>> api.lolstatus
>>> api.masteries
>>> api.match
>>> api.spectator
>>> api.summoner
>>> api.thirdpartycode
>>> api.tftleague
>>> api.tftmatch
>>> api.tftsummoner
- Get by name, encrypted account ID, encrypted summoner ID, or encrypted PUUID
>>> r = api.summoner.get(name='tenmo player', region='na')
>>> r = api.summoner.get(encrypted_account_id='account-id', region='na')
>>> r = api.summoner.get(encrypted_summoner_id='summoner-id', region='na')
>>> r = api.summoner.get(encrypted_puuid='puuid', region='na')
>>> r.json()
Testing requires pytest-cov
, pytest
, and coverage
Tests can be run using just pytest
>>> pytest
Or with coverage
>>> pytest --cov=lol ./
Add coverage badge with
>>> coverage-badge