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cli tools to init project fast

$ curl -L --fail
# let temp-gin-api-swagger file folder under $PATH
$ chmod +x temp-gin-api-swagger
# see how to use
$ temp-gin-api-swagger -h

for what

  • this project used to gin api server
  • use this template, replace list below
  • rename to your api package name
    • rename bridgewwater to your project owner name
    • rename gin-api-swagger-temple to your project name
    • rename 34565 to your service port


Contributor Covenant GitHub contributors

We welcome community contributions to this project.

Please read Contributor Guide for more information on how to get started.

请阅读有关 贡献者指南 以获取更多如何入门的信息


  • config file as viper
  • api tracking and version control by convention-change-log
    • embed file package.json by convention-change-log kit
    • middleware AppVersion will add api version for Tracking
    • middleware gin-correlation-id can tracking this server each api request
  • log by zap and support rotate log file
    • access log at different file, and can change by zap.rotate.AccessFilename
    • api log file, and can change by config zap.Api.**
  • server status monitor, for help DevOps tracking server status
  • major version api support
    • api/v1 this first version of major api
  • error management
    • basic error generate error by stringer
    • http error at different api version use different error management, v1 use by errdef
  • generate swagger doc by swag, and will auto remove at runmode=release
  • server handler Exit Signal by ctrl+c or kill -15 [pid] return code 0, for safe exit.
  • gin unit test case example, support golden data test, you can use -update test flag to update golden data.
  • local build management by make, also support windows, please see make helpProjectRoot to install windows need kit.
  • docker build support, see make helpDocker, Of course, it is more recommended to use docker-compose to build a local development environment.
  • github action CI workflow check.
  • more perfect test case coverage
  • more perfect benchmark case


  • minimum go version: go 1.19
  • change go 1.19, ^1.19, 1.19.12-bullseye 1.19.12 to new go version


lib version v1.9.1 v2.0.0-rc3 v1.6.0 v1.0.5 v1.16.0 v1.1.12 v1.25.0 v2.2.0 v1.2.0

more libs see go.mod


if you want auto get local IP for fast develop, you can add evn ENV_WEB_AUTO_HOST=true

  • each new swagger must rebuild swagger doc by task make swagger
  • also use task make dev or make run also run task buildSwagger before.
  • swagger tools use swag
$ go install
# this will install at: echo $(go env GOBIN)/bin
# this path must in your $PATH

makefile usage

  • need go mod to management golang dependenceis
# see project root help
$ make helpProjectRoot
# see full help
$ make help

# check this project dep
$ make dep
# run all test case
$ make test
# run test case with coverage and see report
$ make testCoverage testCoverageShow
# run test case with coverage and see report by browser
$ make testCoverageBrowser

# run server as dev
$ make dev

# check before, then push to CI build
$ make dep ci

## docker build support

# - first use can pull images
$ make dockerAllPull

# - test run container use ./build.dockerfile
$ make dockerTestBuildCheck

# - then can run as docker-compose build image and up
$ make dockerComposeUp
# - then see log as docker-compose
$ make dockerComposeFollowLogs
# - down as docker-compose will auto remove local image
$ make dockerComposeDown

# - prune test container and image
$ make dockerTestPruneLatest

most of the doc at



# zap config
  AtomicLevel: -1 # DebugLevel:-1 InfoLevel:0 WarnLevel:1 ErrorLevel:2
    PrefixPaths: "/api/v1/" # api path prefix list
    AtomicLevel: 0 # DebugLevel:-1 InfoLevel:0 WarnLevel:1 ErrorLevel:2 default 0
  FieldsAuto: false # is use auto Fields key set
    Key: key
    Val: val
  Development: true # is open file and line number
  Encoding: console # output format, only use console or json, default is console
    Filename: logs/template-gitea-gin-api.log # Log file path
    # AccessFilename: logs/access.log # Access log file path
    # ApiFilename: logs/api.log # api log file path
    MaxSize: 16 # Maximum size of each zlog file, Unit: M
    MaxBackups: 10 # How many backups are saved in the zlog file
    MaxAge: 7 # How many days can the file be keep, Unit: day
    Compress: true # need compress
    TimeKey: time
    LevelKey: level
    NameKey: logger
    CallerKey: caller
    MessageKey: msg
    StacktraceKey: stacktrace
    TimeEncoder: ISO8601TimeEncoder # ISO8601TimeEncoder EpochMillisTimeEncoder EpochNanosTimeEncoder EpochTimeEncoder default is ISO8601TimeEncoder
    EncodeDuration: SecondsDurationEncoder # NanosDurationEncoder SecondsDurationEncoder StringDurationEncoder default is SecondsDurationEncoder
    EncodeLevel: CapitalColorLevelEncoder # CapitalLevelEncoder CapitalColorLevelEncoder LowercaseColorLevelEncoder LowercaseLevelEncoder default is CapitalLevelEncoder
    EncodeCaller: ShortCallerEncoder # ShortCallerEncoder FullCallerEncoder default is FullCallerEncoder


Project file definition

├── LICENSE                     # license
├── .golangci.yaml              # golangci-lint config
├── Dockerfile                  # ci build
├── docker-compose.yml          # local development docker-compose
├── build.dockerfile            # local docker build enter
├── z-MakefileUtils             # Makefile tool library
├── Makefile                    # Makefile file entry, using make as a compilation tool
├── api                         # api management
│   ├── middleware                # api middleware directory
│   │   ├── app_version.go          # app version tracking middleware, use package.json to manage api version, header: X-App-Version
│   │   ├── header.go               # header middleware, include: options secure noCache etc.
│   │   ├── logger_access.go        # access log middleware, use zap rotate log by `zlog_access.A()`
│   │   ├── logger_content.go       # api log middleware, use zap rotate by `zlog_access.I()`
│   │   ├── monitor.go              # monitor middleware, use
│   │   └── usage.go                # usage middleware for Gin engine.
│   │
│   │                           # Each major version of api will be distinguished here, so in this directory, there will be multiple implementations of the same function.
│   └── v1                        # api /v1 directory
│       ├── auth                    # under api/v1 auth api, The authentication method of each major version is inconsistent.
│       ├── errdef                  # under api/v1 err define api, The error code of each major version is inconsistent.
│       ├── handler                 # under api/v1 api, Similar to C in MVC architecture, it is used to read input, forward the processing flow to the actual processing function, and finally return the result.
│       │   ├── biz                    # api group folder for /biz
│       │   ├── json.go                # json parse
│       │   ├── json_response_func.go  # universal response structure, The authentication method of each major version is inconsistent.
│       │   └── parse_query.go         # parse query kit as `ParseQueryCommonOffsetAndLimit`
│       ├── internal                # api v1 internal tools
│       │   └── parse_http             # parse http request
│       ├── model                   # under api/v1 model define api, The model of each major version is inconsistent.
│       └── swagger.go              # swag generated file entrance, swag base info update here
├── cmd                         # cmd folder for golang project
│   └── gin-api-swagger-temple    # package of this web app
│       ├── main.go                 # app program entrance
│       └── main_test.go            # app integration test entrance
├── codecov.yml                 # code coverage config
├── coverage.txt                # code coverage report, which is not in the git list
├── conf                        # Configuration files are stored in a unified directory
│   ├── config.yaml               # default configuration file
│   ├── release                   # release configuration file folder
│   └── test                      # test configuration file folder
├── build                       # build directory, which is not in the git list
├── dist                        # Publish the directory, which is not in the git list
├── doc                         # API document directory
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── docs                        # swagger build directory, which is generated by cli swag
│   ├── docs.go
│   ├── swagger.json
│   └── swagger.yaml
├── go.mod                      # go.mod file
├── logs                        # log directory, which is not in the git list
├── resource.go                 # embed file entrance, such as: html, js, css, image, json, etc.
├── internal                    # internal tool directory
│   ├── config                    # Dedicated to handling configuration and configuration files Go package
│   │   ├── conf_base.go
│   │   ├── conf_log.go
│   │   ├── config.go
│   │   ├── mock_config.go
│   │   └── watch_conf.go
│   ├── folder                    # OS path tools
│   ├── gin_kit                   # tools for gin
│   ├── internal_err              # err code sample
│   ├── pkg                       # referenced package
│   │   ├── pkgJson                 # package.json toolkit
│   │   └── version_check           # version check by semver
│   ├── sys                       # system info tools
│   └── zlog                      # zap log tools
├── logs                        # log directory, which is not in the git list
│   ├── access.log                # access log by `zlog_access.A()`
│   ├── api.log                   # api log by `zlog_access.I()`
│   └── gin-api-swagger-temple.log # log by zap rotate
├── package.json               # command line profile information for embed
├── resource.go                # embed resource
└── zymosis                    # resource mark by

development skills

goland auto generate swagger doc

  • open Settings -> Tools -> File Watchers -> + -> Custom
  • new File Watcher as swag api/v1
    • Files to Watch
      • name swag api/v1
      • file type Go files
      • scope Project Files
    • Tools to Run on Changes
      • Program $GOPATH$/bin/swag
      • Arguments i -g main.go -dir api/v1 --instanceName v1
      • Working directory $ProjectFileDir$


gin API swagger temple



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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