This repository contains a function that floods a page with Clippy, the mythical create of Microsoft lore.
jQuery and clippy.js are required for this to work. See their pages for instructions on how to use.
Include the javascript from this repo.
<script src="clippybomb/clippyBomb.js"></script>
Call the following function whenever you want Clippy to invade.
To customize the messages, actions, and explosion rate of clippy, pass in an object that looks like the following.
var options = {
messages: ['I do not like you', 'You smell'],
actions: ['Searching', 'Show'],
explosionRate: 30
Note that messgaes
and actions
must be a non-empty array of strings and explosionRate
must be a number.
To stop the clippy bomb, just make a call to
And to clear the clippies altogehter, make another call to
(in progress)