This program is used to send a custom message using a joystick. For instance, this program only works for a XBox 360 controller. If you want to use another controller, please visit this page.
The launch file joy_cont.launch starts three ROS nodes, as you can see typing rqt_graph
in your command line.
Note that the float64 node sends a std_msg::Float64
message to the topic pan_controller/command
. This node has been made to control a Dynamixel Driver in Wheel mode just for learning purpose.
Before using this package, please visit the Joystick Configuring Tutorial so the joy node can be started without issues.
After, clone this repository:
git clone
Source the setup.bash:
source your/catkin/workspace/devel/setup.bash
And finally start the launch:
roslaunch joy_controller joy_cont.launch
- Bruno Schettini - Initial Work - brschettini