- Linux System Administrator(2020-Now)
- Web Servers (Apache)
- Essential Commands
- Operation of running systems
- User And Group Management
- Service Configuration
- Storage Management
- Containers (Docker/Podman)
- Bash Script
- Information security (2020-Now)
- Firewall management
- Networking (2020-Now)
- Configure networking and hostname resolution statically or dynamically
- Configure network services to start automatically at boot
- Implement packet filtering
- Start, stop, and check the status of network services
- Statically route IP traffic
- Web Development(2023-Present)
- Python Django
- Javascript
- Bootsrap
- Html, Css
- Postgresql
- Clone The Project (git clone <repository_url>)
- Go to Project Directory
cd project-name
- Create a Virtual Environment
pipenv shell
. This will also activate the Virtual Environment - Check the Pipfile to confirm if it's running current python version. If not, edit it to the current python version
- Install dependencies
pipenv install
then create .env to put your generated secret_key (don't forget to source .env then restart termianl). To set the secrete key, open django shell( python manage.py shell), then run from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key and lastly run print(get_random_secret_key()) to generate the key (for people using venv: do ` - Migrate Database
python manage.py migrate
- Create Super User
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Finally, Run The Project
python manage.py runserver
- Clone the projectl
- Delete the script.js or app.js file. (Since I was given the HTML and CSS assets)
- Implement the JavaScript code to work as expected.