- Registration & Login.
- Ability to create Meme posts that belong to multiple categories and contain images.
- Ability to vote and un-vote posts.
- Ruby On Rails
- VSCode
- Rubocop
- Stylelint
- Github Actions
- Postgresql
- Bulma
- Amazon S3
- BCrypt
- Bullet
- CarrierWave
- Toastr
- Rspec / Capybara
This project requires ruby >= 2.7.1. Please do not try to run this project using an older version of ruby. Some people tried doing that and complained about having syntax errors.
👤 Gerónimo Morisot
- Github: @Bismarck-GM
- Twitter: @Rewritablee
- Linkedin: geronimomorisot
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
- Microverse
- Design by Nelson Sakwa
- Hasan Kharouf (@wintercore) for being a great partner, helper and inspiration.
This project is MIT licensed.