This repository contains implementations to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem With Draft Limits (TSP-DL).
- The first implementation is a Tabu Search algorithm written in C. The graphs are represented as adjacency matrices.
The Traveling Salesman Problem With Draft Limits is a variant of the classic Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) that incorporates the concept of draft limits. In this problem, a ship needs to visit a set of ports exactly once and return to the starting one while adhering to draft limits. Each port is associated with a draft limit, which represents ------- can travel from that port before returning to it.
The objective is to find the shortest tour that satisfies the draft limits for each port. This problem is NP-hard, making it challenging to find an optimal solution for larger instances. Tabu Search is a heuristic algorithm commonly used to solve TSP and its variants efficiently.
All the instances solved by our codes are available on:
Also, you can use our instances, that are already ready to use with our implementation.
The instances names are on the following format name#p_#d_#n
- name: Name of the subset of instances.
- #p: Number of ports on the instances.
- #d: % of ports with restrictive draft limit
- #n: Id of the instance.
Possible combinations of name and #p are:
- burma14
- ulysses16, ulysses22
- gr17, gr21, gr48
- fri26
- bayg29
#d can assume values 10, 25, 50; and #n varies from 1 to 10.
There are other instances with more than one hundred ports, but they require special treatment to be addressed. So, for now, they won't be addressed in this repository.
The Tabu Search algorithm is a metaheuristic that iteratively explores the solution space while maintaining a memory structure to avoid revisiting previously explored solutions. It uses various mechanisms to guide the search towards better solutions.
The C implementation in this repository provides a basic yet efficient Tabu Search algorithm for solving the TSP-DL. It incorporates features such as neighborhood exploration, tabu list management, and aspiration criteria to find high-quality solutions within a reasonable amount of time.
To work on or modify this C implementation, you will need the following software tools and resources:
C Compiler: You'll need a C compiler to build and run the C code. GCC is a popular and widely used compiler for C programming and is available on various platforms.
Code Editor or IDE: A code editor or integrated development environment (IDE) is essential for writing and editing the C source code. Some popular choices include Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, and Code::Blocks.
Git (optional): If you want to clone and manage the repository, you can use Git, a version control system. Git allows you to track changes, collaborate with others, and maintain a history of your code.
To use the Tabu Search implementation for solving the TSP-DL, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Compile the C code:
gcc file_name.c -o output
Run the executable with an input file:
./output input.txt
Make sure to provide an input file with the necessary information, including the cities, distances between them, and draft limits.
The input file should be in a specific format, typically containing the following information:
- Number of ports.
- Adjacency matrix representing distances between ports.
- Demand of each port.
- Draft limits for each ports.
- Extra - If you plan to use the instances provided by our repository, take note that we provided the optimal cost of each instance
The below example is from burma14_10_1
1 153 510 706 966 581 455 70 160 372 157 567 342 398
153 1 422 664 997 598 507 197 311 479 310 581 417 376
510 422 1 289 744 390 437 491 645 880 618 374 455 211
706 664 289 1 491 265 410 664 804 1070 768 259 499 310
966 997 744 491 1 400 514 902 990 1261 947 418 635 636
581 598 390 265 400 1 168 522 634 910 593 19 284 239
455 507 437 410 514 168 1 389 482 757 439 163 124 232
70 197 491 664 902 522 389 1 154 406 133 508 273 355
160 311 645 804 990 634 482 154 1 276 43 623 358 498
372 479 880 1070 1261 910 757 406 276 1 318 898 633 761
157 310 618 768 947 593 439 133 43 318 1 582 315 464
567 581 374 259 418 19 163 508 623 898 582 1 275 221
342 417 455 499 635 284 124 273 358 633 315 275 1 247
398 376 211 310 636 239 232 355 498 761 464 221 247 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 13 13 13 13 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 1 13
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it according to the terms of the license.
This implementation is inspired by research in the field of combinatorial optimization.
Contributions to this repository are welcome. If you have improvements or additional algorithms for solving TSP-DL or related problems, please create a pull request.
Happy solving! 🌍🧳🗺️