Entire Setup
These are the configurations to programs I use to set up my system. The purpose of this repository is to centralize my configurations, making them easy to access, maintain, and reinstall.
Funtionality | I'm using |
Display Manager | SDDM |
Window Manager | bspwm |
Wallpaper | nitrogen |
Compositor | Picom |
Bar | Polybar |
X11 | Xorg configs |
PolicyKit | Polkit-Gnome |
Terminal Emulator | Alacricitty |
Menu | Rofi |
To install add-ons run the command:
λ ./install
To install one add-on specifically run the command:
λ ./${path-add-on}/install.sh
To setup add-ons and scripts run the command:
λ ./setup
To setup one add-on specifically run the command:
λ ./${path-add-on}/install.sh
To change any spec of configuration uses the file in this repo instead of change in config folder directly
Maybe is necessary to run setup script after change something, cause some configs are done with copy instead of link, than is needed to copy again to apply the changes.
This are some repos in what i based myself to get my configs: