You need to edit Servidor.ino on Arduino IDE and change the values of:
- mac[]: MAC addres, need to be unique in your local network
- ip[]: Assign a valid and unused IP to the Arduino Server
- gateway[]: Replace by the gateway of your local network
- subnet[]: Replace by the subnet mask of your network
after that, simply compile and run the code.
Follow the instructions of your specific OS to install all the dependencies of React Native:
After that, you can install the local dependencies using npm install
on the App folder.
to start the app, run npx react-native run-android
npx react-native run-ios
- Arduino Leonardo
- RJ45 Ethernet cable
- Arduino w5100 Ethernet Shield
- 1 Led
- 1 Resistor(120 Ohmn)
- LM35 Temperature sensor
- 5 jumper cables