I'm a computer science student (currently doing Master's Degree at AGH WIEiT). I have experience working with a variety of programming languages and technologies, including Python, JavaScript, Java and C/C++.
- BPMN Modeler: Website created to make bussines analyst life easier. Creates sound bussines proces models via filtering algorithm and allows the user to manipulate created diagrams.
- Table Recognition in PDF Invoices: ML model that finds bordered and borderless tables in PDF invoices and then displays data from those tables.
- Escape Simulation: Simulation of escape from custom building with other elements like fire and smoke.
- Gardening Website: Site that allows user to monitor their plants e.g watering, special characteristics. (Group project)
I'm currently learning more about:
- ML: I need ML to finish my Master's thesis. I am working on a model that predicts the usage of cloud computing resources.
- Cloud Computing: I have to learn more about AWS etc. becouese of Master' thesis.
- Kubernetes: Master's theis will be based on Kubernetes.
I'm always interested in connecting with other developers and collaborating on new projects. You can reach out to me on:
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/bartosz-szlachta
- Email: bartosz.szlachta.it@gmail.com