My name is Brandon Torralba and I am currently a senior at the University of St. Thomas studying Computer Science.
The purpose of this reposistory is for the Signature Work Portfolio in CISC 480. Contained in the portfolio is 3 projects:
Through creating this portfolio, I was able to reflect on my progress as a Computer Science Major. I really learned a lot between CISC 131 and now; not just about CS, but also about the life I have outside of technology. Particularly, I would like to reflect on the impact of COVID on my education at St. Thomas.
Before the pandemic, I had taken one course online before at a previous institution and it was a pretty bad experience. Online school in 2019 for me meant watch videos and work through problem sets solo, with pretty much no notion of an "online synchronous" format. Now in 2021, I think online school is essentially synonomous with Zoom call. We all learned to adapt to this "new normal" and quickly had to accomodate our circumstances. This caused a distinct change in my education at UST and also to all other facets of life.
The impact from the disease of COVID was undeniably awful. However, the social impact of COVID had a great impact (both good and bad) on my education experience and allowed me to learn the skills of adaptibility, getting uncomfortable, and remote work.