A wrapper to python-requests to support openpgp encapsulation, and corresponding server-side proxy code
This repository contains tools and modules that implement the client and server side of an OpenPGP-encapsulated HTTP API methodology.
The code is insecure, and is a proof of concept that I expect someone might find useful. It is released for the benefit of the open source and security communities.
When I say it is insecure... don't get me wrong, this is quite useful and relatively secure, and takes measures to read passphrases using different methods, etc. I mean it has NOT been pentested, but it was written with (attempted) security in mind.
pip3 install openpgp-requests
Server Config: https://github.com/buanzo/python-http-openpgp-api-tools/blob/master/python-flask-restful-openpgp-proxy/httpbin_proxy.conf
Cheers. Buanzo.