This repository contains code that will be used to migrate from TBRC XML files to the new Linked Data.
Simple run:
mvn compile exec:java
Compiling and generating jar file:
mvn clean package
If the above fails try:
git submodule update --init
When there is a change in the owl-schema repo, after the initial config above, the following may be used to sync to the head of the owl-schema repo:
git submodule update --recursive --remote
Running the jar file:
java -jar target/xmltoldmigration-0.2.0.jar
-outdir OUTDIR (defaults to ./tbrc-jsonld/, must end with /)
-datadir DATADIR (defaults to ./tbrc/, must end with /)
-onlyOneSymetricDirection=X (where X is 0 or 1, defaults to 0, use one direction in symetric statements)
-preferManyOverOne=X (where X is 0 or 1, defaults to 0, when only one symetric direction is taken, prefer things like workHasPart instead of workPartOf)
- add name in the volumes? (extracted from outlines)
- check that children cannot contain cycles, Children must be born after the parent, deathDate must be after birthDate (source)
- check if description@type=content and description@type=summary appear in the same node
- validate RIDs before making URLs
The code is Copyright 2017 Buddhist Digital Resource Center, and is provided under Apache License 2.0.