Simple Ray Tracing implementation to draw scene with ASCII characters by using C++ & SFML.
In this project, I created a simple scene and camera setup by using SFML. SFML provides a simple interface to the various components of your PC, to ease the development of games and multimedia applications. For the representation scene and 3D objects in it, I choose the Orthogonal Camera Projection for keeping implementation for the beginning.
To implement ray tracing algorithm I followed some basic steps :
- Calculating pixel's world positions
- Sending ray from that pixel world coords with same direction with camera
- Checking ray geometry intersections in scene
- Lightning (for shading used Blinn Phong)
This project still in under development so there might be some naughty bugs :D. If you met some of them or you need to implement any feature top of it, and if you get stuck please feel free to contact. There are some feature I will be implement in near future :
- Performance Optimizations (run in gpu and multithreaded)
- Adding Different Geometries (cube, plane etc.)
- Adding Mesh Supports
- Adding Perspective Camera Projection
The project is done for educational purpose and may include some files that I do not own. If you own anything and don't want it to be in the project or if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.