Create or patch an image resource
Create or patch an image resource by providing command line arguments. This image resource will be created only if it does not exist in the provided namespace, otherwise it will be patched.
The --tag flag is required for a create but is immutable and will be ignored for a patch. The --cache-size flag can only be used to create or increase the size of the existing cache.
The namespace defaults to the kubernetes current-context namespace.
The flags for this command determine how the build will retrieve source code:
"--git" and "--git-revision" to use Git based source "--blob" to use source code hosted in a blob store "--local-path" to use source code from the local machine
Local source code will be pushed to the same registry provided for the image resource tag. --local-path-destination-image can be used to specify the repository of the source code image. If not specified, the source code image will be pushed to the -source repo. Therefore, you must have credentials to access the registry on your machine.
Environment variables may be provided by using the "--env" flag or deleted by using the "--delete-env" flag. For each environment variable, supply the "--env" flag followed by the key value pair. For example, "--env key1=value1 --env key2=value2 --delete-env key3".
Service bindings may be provided by using the "--service-binding" flag or deleted by using the "--delete-service-binding" flag. For each service binding, supply the "--service-binding" flag followed by the :: or just which will default the kind to "Secret". For example, "--service-binding my-secret-1 --service-binding CustomProvisionedService:v1beta1:my-ps --delete-service-binding Secret:v1:my-secret-2"
Env vars can be used for registry auth as described in
kp image save <name> --tag <tag> [flags]
kp image create my-image --tag --git --git-revision my-branch
kp image save my-image --tag --blob
kp image save my-image --tag --local-path /path/to/local/source/code
kp image save my-image --tag --local-path /path/to/local/source/code --builder my-builder -n my-namespace
kp image save my-image --tag --blob --env foo=bar --env color=red --env food=apple --delete-env apple --delete-env potato
kp image save my-image --tag --blob --service-binding my-secret --service-binding CustomProvisionedService:v1:my-ps --delete-service-binding Secret:v1:my-secret-2
--additional-tag stringArray adds additional tags to push the OCI image to
--blob string source code blob url
-b, --builder string builder name
--cache-size string cache size as a kubernetes quantity (default "2G")
-c, --cluster-builder string cluster builder name
--delete-additional-tag stringArray additional tags to remove
-d, --delete-env stringArray build time environment variables to remove
--delete-service-binding stringArray build time service bindings to remove
--dry-run perform validation with no side-effects; no objects are sent to the server.
The --dry-run flag can be used in combination with the --output flag to
view the Kubernetes resource(s) without sending anything to the server.
--dry-run-with-image-upload similar to --dry-run, but with container image uploads allowed.
This flag is provided as a convenience for kp commands that can output Kubernetes
resource with generated container image references. A "kubectl apply -f" of the
resource from --output without image uploads will result in a reconcile failure.
-e, --env stringArray build time environment variables
--failed-build-history-limit string number of failed builds to keep, leave empty to use cluster default
--git string git repository url
--git-revision string git revision such as commit, tag, or branch (default "main")
-h, --help help for save
--local-path string path to local source code
--local-path-destination-image string registry location of where the local source code will be uploaded to (default "<image-tag-repo>-source")
-n, --namespace string kubernetes namespace
--output string print Kubernetes resources in the specified format; supported formats are: yaml, json.
The output can be used with the "kubectl apply -f" command. To allow this, the command
updates are redirected to stderr and only the Kubernetes resource(s) are written to stdout.
The APIVersion of the outputted resources will always be the latest APIVersion known to kp (currently: v1alpha2).
--registry-ca-cert-path string add CA certificate for registry API (format: /tmp/ca.crt)
--registry-verify-certs set whether to verify server's certificate chain and host name (default true)
--replace-additional-tag stringArray replaces all additional tags to push the OCI image to
--service-account string service account name to use
-s, --service-binding stringArray build time service bindings to add/replace
--sub-path string build code at the sub path located within the source code directory
--success-build-history-limit string number of successful builds to keep, leave empty to use cluster default
-t, --tag string registry location where the image will be created
-w, --wait wait for image create to be reconciled and tail resulting build logs
- kp image - Image commands