A neat and sleek landing page for a restaurant!
This website was created using only HTML, SCSS and Vanilla JS.
It's completely responsive on any mobile, it has simple transitions and a Google Map snippet.
It's written in Modular Javascript using Webpack as bundler. The goal of the project was to meet Webpack and start using it. In the end, I decided to learn SASS as well, and use it for this project.
🔗 Live preview: here
🔗 GitHub repo: here
- Vanilla JS
- Webpack
- VS Code + ESLint + Node
- Git & GitHub
- Sass as SCSS syntax
- Webpack introduction
- ES6 Modules Javascript
- Improved responsiveness programming
- Deepened DOM manipulations
- Increased DRY and code efficiency
- Advanced Markdown manipulation and workarounds
- Improve Webpack knowledge
🗿 buondevid --> GitHub