-- 拿到原始数据中后两个月的ds
drop table if exists test_dates_0;
create table test_dates_0 as select distinct(ds) from odps_tc_257100_f673506e024.mars_tianchi_user_actions where ds >20150701 and ds <=20150831;
select * from test_dates_0 limit 20;
-- 从bigint转为datetime
drop table if exists test_dates_1;
create table test_dates_1 as select to_date(ds,"yyyymmdd") as ds from test_dates_0;
select * from test_dates_1 limit 20;
-- 增加60天
drop table if exists test_dates_2;
create table test_dates_2 as select dateadd(ds,61,"dd") as ds from test_dates_1;
select min(ds), max(ds) from test_dates_2;
-- ds 转成字符串
create table test_dates_3 as select cast(ds as string) as ds from test_dates_2;
select * from test_dates_3 limit 20;
-- 删除time部分
drop table if exists test_dates_4;
create table test_dates_4 as select concat(substr(substr(ds,1,10 ),1,4),substr(substr(ds,1,10 ),6,2),substr(substr(ds,1,10 ),9,2))as ds from test_dates_3;
select * from test_dates_4 limit 20;
create table test_dates_final as select ds, 'a' as join_flag from test_dates_4;
select * from test_dates_final limit 20;
-- train data ds
create table train_dates_final as select distinct(ds), 'a' as join_flag from odps_tc_257100_f673506e024.mars_tianchi_user_actions;
select count(*) from train_dates_final limit 20;
create table all_dates_final as select * from
select * from train_dates_final
union all
select * from test_dates_final
) tmp;
select count(*) from all_dates_final limit 20;
create table all_dates_features_final as select
weekday(to_date(ds,"yyyymmdd")) as day_of_week,
weekofyear(to_date(ds,"yyyymmdd")) as week_of_year,
substr(ds,5,2) as month,
substr(ds,7,2) as day,
from all_dates_final;
a b 1
a b 2
a b 3
c d 4
c d 5
c d 6
a b 1 2 3
c d 4 5 6
groupby + wm_concat 然后拆分字段(注意长度是否一致)
分析,可能把播放次数当做类别,random forest 应该无法支持那么多class数,另外天池音乐推荐应该是回归问题,不是分类问题.
ceil 或者 cast(fieldname as int )
是的, 如果只是简单的RMSE or RMAE 自己写个sql就好了,下面是我写的部分,之后看看那个比赛的评估指标是否能用sql完成:
drop table if exists eval;
create table eval as select abs(plays_cnt - prediction_score) as x1, pow(plays_cnt - prediction_score, 2) as x2 from result_lr_2;
select sum(x1)/6000 as RAME, sum(x2)/600 as RSME from eval;
xgboost 回归模块貌似无法更改num_rounds,且播放次数都一样,我这里没有找到为啥,可能是数据的问题?在LR当中最终的预测比较正确.
这里应该是每天更新,但是数据还是在你的项目空间里,如果想看的话 可以到算法平台部分可以看到你生产的数据,如下图:
注意 那个不是注释 就那样写 就可以调用mapjoin
##fork this project and commit a pr, I'll merge it as soon as possible.
天池大数据比赛交流群: 155167917