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Swift 2 rides into the sunset

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@pcantrell pcantrell released this 28 Aug 15:24
· 529 commits to main since this release

This release includes the last planned API changes for Swift 2.x. Barring the discovery of serious API design flaws, Swift 2 work from now on will be bug fixes only.

A preview of Swift 3 compatibility is now available on the swift3 branch. Grab that beta and hop on the ride! A wild oscillation between delight and apoplexy awaits. See the release plans for goals & timeline, and subscribe to #103 for status updates.


  • Request decorators, chains, and repeats: it is now possible to configure serivce-wide request behaviors such as automatic token renewal. See the new examples in the user guide. (#98, #104)
  • Improved content transformer type mismatch behavior. (#100)
  • UI helpers are in a separate module; directories are reorganized in anticipation of SwiftPM support. (#102)
  • Entity.headers is now public. (#107)


  • Updated and expanded user guide. The new host whitelisting section is of particular note.
  • Fixed minor API doc breakage. (#92)

Breaking Changes

  • The UI helpers, ResourceStatusOverlay and RemoteImageView, are now separate from the Siesta core API:
    • If you are using Carthage or building the framework directly from the Xcode project, they are now in a separate SiestaUI framework. You will need to include that framework separately in your project, and add import SiestaUI in your code.
    • If you are using Cocoapods, the UI helpers are in a separate subspec. You will need to add pod 'Siesta/UI' to your Podfile. However, due to limitations of Cocoapods, you will still import Siesta for UI helpers and core API alike.
  • Request.onCompletion now takes a ResponeInfo struct instead of just a Response. Where your existing onCompletion hook uses $0, replace it with $0.response.
  • The skipWhenEntityMatchesOutputType: option is gone, without an exact replacement. See #100.