Converting colors for zigbee RGB lamps from RGB to XYZ to xzY and back from xy to XYZ to RGB
$ ./ RGB 220 20 60
Converting RGB [220 20 60] to xyY
rgb -> XYZ
RGB input: 220 20 60
RGB input: 0.862745098039 0.078431372549 0.235294117647
XYZ output: 0.493206541176 0.218326729412 0.233693364706
XYZ -> xyY
XYZ input: 0.493206541176 0.218326729412 0.233693364706
xyY output: 0.521786545957 0.230978181591 0.218326729412
Converting xyY back to RGB for check
xyY -> XYZ
xyY input: 0.521786545957 0.230978181591 0.218326729412
XYZ output: 0.493206541176 0.218326729412 0.233693364706
XYZ input: 0.493206541176 0.218326729412 0.233693364706
RGB output: 0.862745 0.078431 0.235294
RGB output: 220 19 60
$ ./ xyy 0.521786545957 0.230978181591 0.23
Converting xyY [0.521786545957 0.230978181591 0.23] to RGB
xyY -> XYZ
xyY input: 0.521786545957 0.230978181591 0.23
XYZ output: 0.519576804802 0.23 0.246188242856
XYZ input: 0.519576804802 0.23 0.246188242856
RGB output: 0.908874 0.082625 0.247875
RGB output: 231 21 63