This is a blog application where a user can:
- Signup (Register)
- Edit his account
- Shutdown (Delete his account)
- Create a blog post
- Edit blog post
- View all blog posts
- View a particular blog post
- View other blog posts published by other users
- Delete blog post
- Go
- GoDotenv
- GORM (Golang ORM)
- Postgres
- Mysql
- Gorilla Mux (HTTP routing and URL matcher)
You might be wondering seeing Postgres and Mysql. The API is built in a way that you can decide to use Mysql or Postgres driver, simply by changing the configuration in the .env
export GO111MODULE=on
# all
go test -v ./...
# models only
cd tests/modeltests && go test -v && cd ../..
# controllers only
cd tests/controllertests && go test -v && cd ../..
# specific one only
go test -v --run TestFindAllUsers
go test -v --run TestUpdatePost
go test -v --run TestLogin
go test -v --run TestCreateUser
- implementation, clarification of doubts
- implement db unit-testing using interface and mocks
- try use testcontainers-go for integration-testing
- improve logging
- improve error handling
- improve structure
- docker
- kubernetes
- kubernetes probes
- interrupt signals
- prometheus metrics
- tracing