Original Implementation by mountainstorm (@Lord_Coops) https://gist.github.com/mountainstorm/d6baecf3cd4c500cdcc6
Small program to import the CVE JSON feeds from NIST into a MongoDB
Currently the project uses the following NUGET Packages Crc32C.NET v1.0.5.0
DnsClient v1.2.0
MongoDB.Bson v2.10.1
MongoDB.Driver v2.10.1
MongoDB.Driver.Core v2.10.1
MongoDB.Libmongocrypt v1.0.0
SharpCompress v0.24.0
Snappy.NET v1.1.1.8
System.Buffers v4.5.0
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation v4.3.0
CVE-JSON-Import.exe --feed recent
CVE-JSON-Import.exe --dbaddr
CVE-JSON-Import.exe --dbname nvd
CVE-JSON-Import.exe --dbcollection cves
Or any combination.
recent (default) - will load the recent CVE feed
modified - will load the modified CVE feed
year - will load the feed from the specified year e.g. 2019
IP and port of the MongoDB. They must be concaternated by a colon
Name of the database
Name of the collection inside the database
Displays a Help screen
Displays the current version
Currently no debug settings implemented
If the program is started without any commandline options, the program will use the default settings and you'll be asked if you want to continue with them.