Individual level analysis of digital proximity tracing for COVID-19 in Belgium highlights major bottlenecks
The results of the paper can be reproduced with the code in this repository.
Authors: Caspar Geenen#, Joren Raymenants#, Sarah Gorissen, Jonathan Thibaut, Jodie McVernon, Natalie Lorent, Emmanuel André
#Contributed equally
The code is written in R (version 4.2.2) and uses the following packages: tidyverse (2.0.0), epitools (0.5-10.1), lubridate (1.9.2), patchwork (1.1.2), DescTools (0.99.48), tti (0.1.0), ggtext (0;1.2), gridExtra (2.3), readxl (1.4.2), ggrepel (0.9.3), fitdistrplus (1.1-8), investr (1.4.2), and MASS (7.3-58.3).
The Supplementary Data file published with the article is used directly as an input file. Place it in the "Input" folder with the name "Supplementary_Data.xlsx".