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HHA504 / Cloud Computing / Assignment 4b / MySQL on VMs

This repo focus on setting up and running MySQL on a cloud Virtual Machine. A VM was set up using Microsoft Azure. Flask is then connected to the MySQL instance to display the data from the database.

This repo contains the following:

  • A code folder contaning code of the MySQL database setup, python script for the facilitaing the connection between Flask and MySQL, script to diasplay the data.
  • A screenshots folder containing screenshots of the following:
    • database tables
    • entity relationship diagram (ERD) of the database
    • a screenshot of the tables side-by-side on the Flask app
    • screenshots of the database tables on different pages on Flask
  • A containing an overview of the repo and assignment.


Setting Up a MySQL Instance on an Azure VM

  1. A virtual machine was set up on Microsoft Azure. After the VM is set up, in the networking tab, a MySQL port of ```3306`` was added.
  2. Google's cloud shell environment is used in this assignment. In the terminal, login into the VM / UBUNTU (OS) server using ssh <username>@<IP address>. <username> and <IP address> was replaced with the username and the public IP address of the VM.
  3. After logging into the UBUNTU server, I updated it with sudo apt-get update and then installed MySQL using sudo apt isntall mysql-client mysql-server.
  4. I logged into MySQL using sudo mysql and created a new user to connect with using CREATE USER '<user>'@'%'IDENTIFIED BY '<password>'. <user> and <password> was replace the name a password I will set for the new user. To confirm it was successfully created,I put select user from my.sql; in the terminal. After confirming the user was created, I used GRANT ALL PRIVEGES ON*.*TO'<user>'@'%'WITH GRANT OPTION; to grant priveleges to new user.

Connecting to MySQL Workbench

  1. In order to connect to MySQL Workbench, the MySQL instance in Google Shell must be configured to allow external connections. To do this, I made sure I was in the UBUNTU and not the mysql environment.
  2. In the terminal, I ran the command sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.conf to enter the configuration file. In the file, I searched for bind-address and mysqlx-bind-address and changed those addresses to
  3. Restarted mysql for the changes to take place using the command /etc/init.d/mysql restart.
  4. In MySQL, I set up a new connection. In the setup window, I put the VM IP address as the Hostname, the user name of the new user set up in mysql as the Username, and the associated password. Clicked OK to create the new connection.

Database Schema

In MySQL workbench, I created a new database called database and created 2 tables called patient and doctors. The doctors contained columns for the doctor ID, their first and last name, and department they work in. The patient table contained columns for the patient ID, first and last name, date of birth, and primary doctor ID, with patient ID as a primary key and primary doctor ID as a foreign key referencing the doctor ID in the doctors table. Sample data was added to the tables using INSERT INTO. The doctors table has a one to many relationship the the patients table.

Flask Integration

1. A Flask application was created to connect to the MySQL instance using SQLAlchemy. A .env file was also created contain the database credentials along with a .gitignore file. The script can be found in code/flask folder of the repo. 2. The Flask application was ran to connect to the MySQL instance, however an error message was returned:

Python-dotenv could not parse statement starting at line 1
Python-dotenv could not parse statement starting at line 2
Python-dotenv could not parse statement starting at line 3
Python-dotenv could not parse statement starting at line 4
Python-dotenv could not parse statement starting at line 5
Python-dotenv could not parse statement starting at line 6

3. With these first error message, I had to edit the .env file. The python file was ran again and was successful in connecting to MySQL, however a new error message was shown the the Flask application test environment:

sqlalchemy.exc.ObjectNotExecutableError: Not an executable object: 'SELECT * FROM patients'
Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 6 02 55 PM

4. To address the error message, I imported text from sqlalchemy and changed the queries by writing as a text object. For example: query1 = text('SELECT * FROM patients')

5. The .py file was successfully ran, however, the tables from the database is not showing up on the Flask app:

Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 10 59 59 PM

6. I edited the index.html file by changing the variable name to the correct variable and used <table> to put the database data in table format on the Flask application.

7. The code was successfully ran and a screenshot of the Flask app is located in the screenshots folder: flask_app_screenshot.png. The database tables were organized to be located side-by-side.

8. I then changed the Flask app script to put the two database tables on separate pages and the screenshots are located in the screenshots folder:


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