A platform-independent Github notifier
- Python 2.7.1
- PySide 1.1.0 (which uses Qt 4.8.2)
- cx-Freeze 4.3
- Python 2.7.3
- PySide 1.1.1
- cx-Freeze 4.3
This command automatically builds meow depending on the host OS python build.py
cx-Freeze seems to have some problems when freezing Python scripts on Mac OS X Please edit the macdist.py file as below
- line 106-107: ```subprocess.call(('install_name_tool', '-id', @executable_path/'+fileName, filePath))
* line 146-147: ```libpath = str(QtCore.QLibraryInfo.location( \
path = os.path.join(libpath, subpath)
The default Python installation may not have some required libraries The common missing libraries are listed below
- python-dateutil
- six