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Enignets is a graphics library meant for game development built on top of LWJGL. The primary underlying graphics API used is OpenGL, while GLFW is used for window management, and OpenAL is used for audio.


Examples of how to use Enignets are availible here.


Enignets can be added to a gradle project by using Jitpack, however this will not include platform-specific natives, so they must also be added as dependencies.

the following is an example of how to use it in a build.gradle.kts.

 Should be one of the following depending on your operating system or the platform you are targeting
 x64 Windows - "windows"
 x86 Windows - "windows-x86"
 arm64 Windows - "windows-arm64"
 x64 Linux - "linux"
 x64 Linux - "linux-arm64"
 x64 Linux - "linux-arm32"
val osString = "windows"
val lwjglNatives = "natives-${osString}"

val lwjglVersion = "3.2.3"
val jomlVersion = "1.10.1"

//this can be any valid tag on this repo, or a short commit id. More info at
val enignetsVersion = "v1.0.1a_2"

repositories {
	//other repositories
	maven {
		url = uri("")
dependencies {
	//other dependencies


	implementation("org.lwjgl", "lwjgl-assimp")
	implementation("org.lwjgl", "lwjgl-glfw")
	implementation("org.lwjgl", "lwjgl-openal")
	implementation("org.lwjgl", "lwjgl-opengl")
	implementation("org.lwjgl", "lwjgl-stb")
	//none of the above are strictly necessary, but will probably be useful depending on your project.
	implementation("org.joml", "joml", jomlVersion)
	runtimeOnly("org.lwjgl", "lwjgl", classifier = lwjglNatives)
	runtimeOnly("org.lwjgl", "lwjgl-glfw", classifier = lwjglNatives)
	runtimeOnly("org.lwjgl", "lwjgl-openal", classifier = lwjglNatives)
	runtimeOnly("org.lwjgl", "lwjgl-opengl", classifier = lwjglNatives)
	runtimeOnly("org.lwjgl", "lwjgl-stb", classifier = lwjglNatives)