Using a Clapper to protect homes from Alexa and other smart speakers
"Alexa," "Hey Google," "Siri" and "Cortana," so called Smart Speakers, have been known to interpret some noises as requests for help. This has had some well documented "oops" moments, such as ordering unwanted goods, recording conversations that should have remained private, or just annoying folks.
This project puts a Smart Speaker in an enclosure, and also distracts the Smart Speaker with noise. The user accesses the Smart Speaker by activating the "Clapper" remote switch. When the Clapper is tripped, by 2 claps or as shown in the video by 2 finger snaps, the Microcontroller (Arduino) opens the encloser and mutes the noise. A second pair of snaps or claps will close the box and resume the noise to suppress the Smart Speaker.
I am including 7 photos, plus a video in 2 formats. 1 Setup.jpg 2 Wiring.jpg 3 Clapper and photocell.jpg 4 Photocell.jpg 5 Box interior.jpg 6 Piezo noise speakers in box.jpg 7 Servo on box.jpg
Alexa protection using a Clapper.webm 20190501_113756 Clapper Demo.mp4
ClapperVsAlexa.ino Is the Arduino sketch