A Django app which makes image galleries that may be added to any template.
You don't have to make or manage any complicated relationships with your models. Create a gallery, add your images, then display them on any page by using a template tag.
This project is new so there'll be quite a bit of changes. I'll document these changes as well as I can.
Django 1.7+, Pillow, and a database configured.
Make sure you have specified MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL in your Django Settings File.
import galleries
# Make sure the following line is above the "include admin.site.urls" line
url(r'^admin/galleries/generate-thumbnails/', include('galleries.urls')),
url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
Run the migrations
./manage.py migrate
{% load galleries_tags %}
{% get_gallery 3 as gallery %}
{{ gallery.name }}
{% for image in gallery.image_set.all %}
<a href="{{ image.image.url }}" target="_blank"><img src="{{ image.thumbnail }}"></a>
{% endfor %}
The Template Tag get_gallery only retrieves the gallery specified which you can put in a variable. You can then use that data to construct the gallery.
I think I'll introduce another Template Tag display_gallery that will output all the HTML for you which you can style yourself and another one called style_gallery that will include a stylesheet and maybe one for Javascript called script_gallery.
- Multiple File Upload
- Drag & Drop Upload
- Click & Drag Ordering
- Image File Cleanup (Doesn't delete thumbnail files yet)
- i18n
- Python Packaging
- Tests
- No complicated relationships with models
- All thumbnails are squares
- Minimal Requirements
- Thumbnails are generated manually through a management command generate_thumbnails which may also be activated via a link in the galleries admin page.