CacheQL is an open-source library for server-side caching GraphQL queries. This specific repository used a Redis cache to test performance and functionality, but can be incorporated with other caching mechanisms and databases.
CacheQL is in beta. The founding team is actively working on new features to optimize the tool. All feedback is welcome. Please post issues directly to this GitHub.
Use the package manager npm to install CacheQL.
npm install cacheql
cacheQL.auth = () => {
client = redis.createClient({
port: redisPort,
host: redisHost
hgetAsync = promisify(client.hget).bind(client);
hgetAllAsync = promisify(client.hgetall).bind(client);
client.auth(redisAuth, function(err, response) {
if (err) {
throw err;
console.log("Client Authenticated");
return true;
Connect to your specific Redis cache, and follow our code to set it up! Redis functions have issues with async, so we wrapped them in promisify, a method in the native 'util' library.
// Require in CacheQL
const cacheQL = require('cacheql')
obj.getPerson = async (args, root) => {
// Checkify will check the Redis cache
const query = root.body.query;
// The second parameter in checkify it to enable/disable partial field detection
const checkify = await cacheQL.checkify(query, true);
// Not in the redis cache
if (!checkify) {
// Extract the fields with queryFields
const fields = cacheQL.queryFields(query);
let fieldsObj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
fieldsObj[fields[i]] = 1;
// Depends on the specific database that the developer decides to use
const fromDB = await Person.findOne({ name: }, fieldsObj)
// Store the resposne in the cache on the way back to the client
const cachifyResponse = await cacheQL.cachify(query, fromDB);
return fromDB;
// The query response is in the redis cache, so return it from there
else {
return checkify;
Checkify will be run, then queryFields (for partial field validation), then cachify will store the response in the database on its way back to the user. The developer has an option to turn on partial query validation by specifying true/false as the second parameter in queryFields.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.